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This is crossposted from ao3 but should've been on wattpad some time ago. That's why it says I'm 5 days late instead of a lot more. Enjoy!

I'm posting this before it gets a bit too late to post Dazai's Birthday content. I'm already 5 days late anyway so I might as well add that into the story lol

Edit: There is now a somewhat sequel to this! It's called "A Fortunate Day at Work." Here's the link:

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The heavy rain pounded mercilessly against the roof of the Lupin bar that night, creating a patternless tune. Inside the bar, A lonely boy sat on one of the stools and played with his drink rather than actually drinking it. He'd usually be seen talking to either two other men or a cat, but this time they were all nowhere to be seen...

Dazai didn't really have a problem with rain. In fact, the repetitive sound of rain hitting the ground (or whatever else it found) was somewhat soothing. The only issue was that, though his home- if you could even call it that- was rain-proof, it would not protect him from the chill the storm brought. He didn't desire to be miserable at work for the next few days because of a cold, so he planned on staying at the bar for as long as possible until he either had to leave or it was morning. It was a stupid plan that could get him kidnapped or killed if someone had enough guts to come near him in his sleep, but he was kind of aiming for that anyway. He'd be able to skip out on seeing Chuuya for the rest of his life and Chuuya would be able to skip out on seeing him for the rest of his. It seemed to be a win-win situation to him.

Alas, fate did a funny thing where it threw out all of Dazai's lovely plans out the window. Of course, this almost never happened with the man currently entering the bar. Then again, Oda was a special case. Fate seemed to change around him, literally. The man could see a couple of seconds into the future and change what would've been his fate just like that. Of course, that didn't matter right now. What did matter was the peculiar box the fate-defying had brought in with him. Dazai eyed it suspiciously, trying to figure out what exactly it was. He knew it wasn't a birthday present, at least not one for him. His had passed a few days ago.

"Hello, Dazai," Oda greeted.

"Odasaku~!" Dazai purposely dragged his name out, turning to him "I've missed you!"

"It's only been a day," The man replied, sliding into the seat next to him.

Dazai gasped dramatically, placing his hand on his chest and closing his eyes, "So you haven't missed me?! I'm so hurt!"

"Happy late birthday, Dazai," Oda said, ignoring his dramatic antics.

So it was for his birthday then. Odasaku never ceased to surprise him.

Dazai cracked one eye open to peer at the older man. He was smiling at him warmly like he always did. He honestly didn't see what someone as bright and good as Oda saw in him, but he wasn't one to complain about it. He did wonder how the man knew when his birthday was though. He didn't recall telling him the date of his birthday. He didn't make an effort to hide this confusion at all, letting an expression mirroring how he felt slide onto his face.

"How'd you know when my birthday was?" Dazai asked, voicing his thoughts.

"You let it slip once when you were drunk. Unfortunately, we're five days late to your birthday," Ango explained as he entered the bar and sat on the stool to the left of Dazai, "Oda, I still don't approve of your gift."

"Gift?" Dazai parroted dumbly, looking at Ango.

"He needs someone other than us to talk to him," Oda countered.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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