bad grade- meryl

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*haven't got no siblings in this*

You are in year 10 in secondary school and maths is not your good subject. You had a mock exam today and your exam today was maths.

"Just try your best honey, everything will be okay" your mum, Meryl says and you nod and sigh. "come on y/n, time to go" your dad, don says as he comes downstairs. "Okay, bye mum" you hug her and she kisses your head. "Good luck, love you" she says. "I love you too" you reply and go outside with dad and get in the car.

When you get to school he kisses your cheek. "goodluck" dad says and you thank him and get out the car.

As soon as you sit down in the exam hall and you start your paper you look over the questions. You couldn't even answer the first one. You closed your exam paper and sat there for the hour and the half until it was over. You didn't even answer one question.

You go through the rest of the day and your dad picks you up. "How was it?" He asks. "don't wanna talk about it" you answer, trying not to break down in tears. Once you get home you go straight upstairs.

"Is she okay?" Meryl asks don. "I asked her how it went and she said she didn't want to talk about it" don says and Meryl sighs. "do you think I should go talk to her?" Meryl asks and don nods. Meryl goes upstairs and knocks on your door. "can I come in sweetheart?" She asks calmly. "Yeah" you say quietly, she could bearly hear you.

She comes in and shuts your door. She sees you laying on your bed on your stomach. She sits on the bed and puts her hand on your leg and rubs it. "talk to me" she says and you shake your head. "honey, you know you can talk to me" she says. "your going to get mad at me" you mumble. "I wont" Meryl says and after about two minutes of persuading you to tell her what's the latter, you give in. You tell her everything. You sit up and bed your knees, resting your face on them.

"Hm?" She says, getting you to answer. "I didn't answer any questions in my maths exam..." You say, scared she's going to get mad. "don't get mad at me" you say and she rubs your arm. "Honey I'm not mad" she says. "It was so hard mum, I didn't even know where to start or what to do, I couldn't even do the first question I just sat there for an hour and a half!" You say, getting annoyed with yourself.

"Hey hey calm down, now you need to know what you have to revise yeah? I was never good at maths sweetheart, I'll get dad to help you, he was good at maths in school. But I'll never get mad at you for something like that baby, don't get upset with yourself, yes it's not ideal but I'm not disappointed and you just have to make this year count with revision before your final exams" she reassures and you nod slowly.

"Come here" she opens her arms out for you and you crawl into them and snuggle into her like you used to always do when you were little. You always were close to mum and you still were.

Dad comes in without you noticing. Meryl looks at him and pulls a sad face. "will dad be mad?" You ask. "No honey" Meryl says and don comes up to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. You look up. "What's going on?" He asks and sits down next to you and mum.

You look and mum and she tells him. "I'm not mad baby, ill help you before you final exams, we will get through it together...don't get yourself worked up over it. Me and mum aren't mad" he says and you hug him.

You talk for a few more minutes before you and mum snuggle on the sofa after ordering some pizza. "Love you hon" she says and kisses your head. "love you mumma" you say.


A/N based off a true story, honestly I'm crap at maths

Hope you enjoyed it X
Love g x

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