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the cold air stung beomgyu's cheeks so he pulled his scarf up closer to his face. as he looked around he noticed a white blanket of snow covering the trees, ground, and houses. he was surprised by how quiet everything seemed. the only sound he could hear was his boots crunching in the snow. the smell of damp pine trees made the air feel fresh and clean. he felt so peaceful to be walking in such a magical place.

beomgyu and yeonjun agreed to meet for a moment after work in front of the convenient store near beomgyu's apartment. he was excited to see yeonjun. they rarely hang out, he misses him so much.

"hyung!" beomgyu a hand up, waving it towards yeonjun. from afar beomgyu can see that yeonjun was smiling when he saw beomgyu. it's the same for beomgyu until he saw a pair of hands wrapped around yeonjun's waist from behind. wooyoung.

here's the thing,

beomgyu's world revolved around yeonjun ever since he first met the alpha in college a few years ago. it was a sweet little crush the omega has that turned into something deeper when they became closer. of course beomgyu never act upon his feelings, he's afraid of what the alpha might say or worst, making things awkward for the both of them and ruin the friendship between them. so he kept it to himself.

it has always been them against the world but halfway through college, yeonjun met wooyoung, a very attractive alpha who worked at the café in front of their college. they became friends and eventually started dating. beomgyu never thought wooyoung would be taking a huge part in his best friend's life but he was so wrong about that. their relationship went on even after they graduated and now yeonjun never went anywhere without wooyoung by his side.

"hey gyu." yeonjun hugged beomgyu's small frame to greet him and wooyoung does the same, not as tight. "sorry we're late. why you wanted to meet me here?" yeonjun asked.

"it's okay." he brushed off the usual burning inside his heart every time he saw yeonjun and wooyoung together and gave them the brightest smile that turned his eyes into happy crescents. he gave the shopping bag that he's holding to yeonjun. "here, i got my bonus today."

"what is this?" yeonjun opened the paper bag and took out the red knitted muffler scarf with a huge smile decorating his handsome face. the butterflies in beomgyu's stomach went crazy when the alpha's face lit up at his present. "i promised to buy you present when i got my bonus. so that's your present hyung." beomgyu bit his bottom lip, preventing himself from blushing in front of wooyoung.

"a scarf. well beomie you always know what junnie needs, don't you? he left his scarf at his office tonight." the other alpha smiled warmly to yeonjun. "i guess we don't have to stop by the house before dinner."

"are you going somewhere?" beomgyu looked at them curiously.

"we actually have a dinner date. it's our third anniversary tomorrow." yeonjun wrapped his arm around wooyoung's waist and pulled him a little closer than they already were. beomgyu's heart sank at the sight, he wanted nothing more than to go home and rid himself the image of yeonjun and wooyoung having a date.

"thanks for the scarf, gyu. it's nice and warm, i love it." yeonjun wrapped the scarf around his neck with wooyoung's help. "i'll buy you something later for new year, yeah?" he said with his deep voice that sent shivers down beomgyu's spine, provoking his pheromones to be released but the omega held back.

it's ridiculous to think about how deeply he felt things for yeonjun.

he was so sure that yeonjun was his alpha when they first met but it all seemed kind of a blur now that wooyoung's in the picture. beomgyu shook his head a little, brushing the thoughts away. "well you better get going then. i don't want to be the reason you're late to your anniversary dinner." the omega smiled and shooed them away jokingly.

but yeonjun leaned in and gave him a friendly hug and cupped his cheek for a few seconds, thanking him again for the present. beomgyu knew that was nothing more than a friendly gestures and yet he let himself fantasize about the world where yeonjun was his alpha, and they spent christmas together, cuddled up in a blanket drinking hot chocolate.

beomgyu smiled weakly, bursting his own bubble of fantasy when he saw yeonjun and wooyoung walked hand in hand, away from him.


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