Karl and [NAME] VS Chimbley Sweep

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Mention of deaths and maybe gore. Read this uhhh.... to your caution? Does that even make sense? Whatever just read ya loser.

In the taitle, Chimbley could feel the ground beneath him shaking. He stared at the unfinished machine before finally cracking.
"Oh, sod this." He spotted the cigarette out of his mouth, stepping on it. "Bugger if I'll stay here just t'get troubled by sum..." He got cut off, seeing two silhouettes walking toward the brown kid.

"Oh, heya!" You saluted, waving your hand to seem friendly.


"Finally, we found someone alive and breathing on the streets!" You continued, "Ahem, anyway sorry for the uhm... short... introduction, but have you seen a pink midget? Maybe accompanied by some ginger know-it-all and a purple woman..." You asked.

"By any chance I did." Chimbley tried not to laugh at Benzene's nickname. "'Oo're you? Wot the 'ell 'appened  t' yer eye? And why is de yellow guy not speakin'?" His last two questions were aimed at Karl.

"What, this?" You pointed to his gray scar, "Oh, he fell down a bunch of stairs. Also, I jinxed him." You explained.

"That's what he said..." You added, barely above a whisper. At least no one heard you.

"You know what?Karl, Karl, Karl, Karl, Karl, Karl, Karl. You can speak now." You smiled at Karl. He sighed before resting his hand on Chimbley's shoulder.

"You see, we have to talk to them without delay, but unluckily we haven't found anyone yet!" Chimbley immediately waved his cold hand away from him.

"I unnerstand why! One by one they ran away like rats an' left me 'ere wif that stack of metal junk!" He extended his arm that held his broom, emphasizing his point.

"Hey, dude, you can't just go around insulting people's creations, they could be very useful..." You stared at the machine, wanting to steal their oil supply again. "Are you like, friends with them or something?"

"Not as much, no. We share sum needs, 'is all." Chimbley answered, lighting another cigarette.

"So I assume you don't know where they went," Karl said with a somewhat disappointed tone but immediately brought his cheery tone back. "Could you at least lead me to the people organizing the tournament? They probably have their ways to know everyone's location..."

"Ye mean th' ol' man? I know where 'e lives, but I doubt the bloke's still there. Harrington Street, a few squares up 'ere." Chimbley pointed behind him.

"Well that's enough for us. Maybe we'll find something about the Law of Talos there..."


"Nevermind them! Also, thank you very much for your help, little boy! Is there anything we can do for you in return?" Chimbly puts a hand under his chin, thinking.

"P'raps. Got penny in yer pockets?"

"I think I have some, gimme a couple seconds, will you?" You reached for your non-existing pockets, actually switching your hand to a sword. You slashed at the kid, wanting to cut their head off as your screen turned into a sideway 'X'. You giggled.

"Hahaha.... It was painfully obvious that kids here are smart, I should've known better.."

"And I should've known you're just anovver mad, murderous tourney fighters!"

"Don't be so paranoid..." Karl cooed, pulling out Arma, "Their hand just slipped, is all." As he finished his sentence, Arma turned into a sword. He then took a couple steps forward.

"Slip it somewhere far from my 'ead, then!" He grabbed a door that was on the edge of breaking, slamming against Karl's own head before running away from you.

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