Busted Muffin

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Chapter 1

(Busted muffin....)

"Oh shit!" I exclaim while running around looking for my flats. I'm not your baby blue or pink color girl, I don't like sweet stuff.

Every single person in my family said that they knew this just by looking at my room, well you see my bed is a king size with blood red and black satin sheets. My walls are black with silver painted starts. In the walls you could see all this pictures I have taken of my family and my friends. I have soft spot for them, but I will never admit that to them. Anyway, nobody would find nothing that is pink or baby of the matter

"Ella! hurry up your late for your first day of school!"My mother shouts at me from downstairs. I don't say anything back, I knew that she had only said the obvious to annoy me.

Why did I had to keep reading that Damn book, last night. But I got to admitted that book was awesome.

' I give up' I though. I couldn't find the damn flats so I just grave my combat boots and put them on. I wave my hand to transport my self to my bathroom.

I look at the my full body mirror, well wall that starts at the top of the sink an keeps going until it reaches the the tub, checking if don't look like a slut and I also double check that my skirt and shirt go with my badass looking self. Cocky, I know.

"Fuck this! why do I even care how I look. I know he moved on! but I don't want him to know how much he affected me!" I whisper yell at my reflection on.

'Gaby you know why we care right?' Belle the annoying person that always talks to me inside my head asks.

'Yes I know! and stop calling me Gaby' I snap at her as I bloke my mind from her invasion of privacy.

With another movement of my hand I transport to the other side of my room, I grab my bike's keys and my small backpack.

"Were mother is, food is, now take me to her" I say for my own fun before transporting to the kitchen.

My mom softly tapping her shoe on the floor in an inpatient manner.

" Took you long enough Ella! Sebastian already left. I thought he was going to give you a ride?"She says "Also stop using magic you didn't know if someone else was here with me, how in the earth would I explain that my eighteen year old daughter appears in the middle of the kitchen from nowhere." she snaps.

"Chillax, mom. I knew there wasn't any other people apart from us." I said while leaning towards the counter were the most delicious smelling muffin is, I reach towards it,I was about to grab it, and then BAM! my mom slaps my hand away..

"Mom! I'm hungry and I want that chocolate muffin" I Say exasperated

"Young Lady, you know that you have to wash hands before grabbing any food!" Lucy said (my mom). while turning around to finish her lunch for work.

' muffin float and come to me...' the muffin starts coming towards me, when my mom grab it at mid air. 'damn I'm busted'.


so Hi! it is the first time I attempt to writte something like this... please don't be hard on me, thank you. I know there are a lot ( I mean a lot) of grammar mistakes but you know this only a draft... I would Love if you:

a) vote, it would let me know that you like it..

B) comment, to tell me your opinions about it

love Debs ¦^D

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