𝑱𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒗.𝒔 𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂

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Another week went by with the torturous nagging from Desiree.

"Oh i'm sorry Eric can't go with you, he's helping me with-" Blah blah blah.

The two Charmaine and Jason were slowly losing their friend.

There was always an excuse for them not being able to hangout with him outside of school, now it's happening in school.


Right now Jason and Charmaine are in the kitchen of the Matthews with Eric and his mother.

"Hey your not shooting hoops dressed like that are you?" Jason asked

"Oh no I gotta bail on the game today something kinda came up." Eric smiled.

"Oh let me guess, and I'm just pulling this out of the air. A certain senior girl named uh.. Vampira?" Jason asked and smiled.

"Desiree." Eric corrected.

"Oh that's her day name." Charmaine repeated her own joke from a week ago.

"I have to go to the mall with her" Eric said like no big deal.

"You have to?" Charmaine asked.

"Yeah so she can show me what she wants for her birthday!" Eric smiled where Charmaine rolled her eyes in disbelief and not fully understanding why she cares so much.

"Alrighttt! My condolences to the lost of your son!" Jason said and turned to Eric's mom.

Charmaine had enough of the she who must not be named topic. She just up and left.


Charmaine was at her trailer putting her shoes on for work, and Jason burst through there door without knocking. Luckily she was home alone otherwise who knows what might've happened to Jason.

"Fine! Fine! You win! Here's your money!" Jason whined and gave her the money and then flopped on her bed depressed laying his head on her lap.

"I shouldn't say I told you so the way I do it, while your in this condition. So..." Charmaine said and started scratching his head and then saying softly.

"I told you so." Charmaine said calmly.

"You know I would get mad right now but I'm too depressed. And this feels nice." Jason mumbled.

Charmaine rolled her eyes at the fact Desiree had this much effect on Jason. Desiree ruining Eric and Jason's friendship.

Charmaine pulled his head up making him sit up making him whine and he falls to her shoulder and whines more.

"Jason." Charmaine picked his head up so they are eye to eye.

"What did she say to you?" Charmaine asked.

"She called me elfin." Jason said.

"Oh how dare she." Charmaine said.

She sighs.

"Look Jason, You not an elfin." Charmaine said still holding his face.

"Your a human being!" Charmaine said impersonating the elephant man and smiled and that making Jason smiled.

"There's that amazing smile." Charmaine said.

They both stared at each other in silence for a moment Charmaine still holding his face.

Jason was now giving Charmaine a strange look.

Charmaine raised her eyebrow a bit.

"Are you feeling ok?" Charmaine asked.

"Huh? What? Uh. Yeah? Why?" Jason sat up.

"Uh. Nothing, never mind." Charmaine said.

"Okay." Jason said.

The awkward tension between the two filled the room.

"Well Im gonna go. Uh I have work. Um you can stay if you want I'm just gonna." Charmaine didn't even finish her sentence and just got up and left.

"Wait Charmaine!" Jason said but it was no use since she was already gone.

Jason sighed and flopped back on her bed on his back cringing on what just happened.


Charmaine started working at this restaurant that seemed like an ordinary place where you can bring your family, birthday parties, or just your run on the mill regular dinner.

It was the opposite of that.

She's working for the mob. And she knew that.

She just acts clueless since the money is good. It helps with the bills and with the crazy stuff Shawn wants to buy.

No questions asked.

"There's this bus stop at 49th street be there with this box. Do that and you'll get this much." The man said and wrote down a number and slide it over to her.

"There's not bus stop at 49th street." Charmaine said.

"Yes there is." The other man said.

She gave a half smile and nodded and walked away.

She looked at the piece of paper and was astonished.

She licked her lips and thought for a moment.

She let out a sigh and did the task.


Authors note:

I am so sorry for such a short chapter! This is kinda like a filler chapter for the next one.
I will re-edit again if needed on these chapters.
Hope you guys are enjoying your summer!

𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 || 𝑬𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒘𝒔Where stories live. Discover now