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Shit, shit, shitttttttttt' Layla shouted as explosion threw her and tony into the air.
Hello? You guys still alive? ' Frostee asked from the ear com. 'Cause Tony is the only one who knows how to make the best froyo swirls that don't spill out of the the cones!!'

Layla groaned as she rolled over to check if Tony was in one piece. She snorted when she seen there was a giant mud streak on his face and an even bigger mark on his new leather jacket. He seemed to be dazed and it made her laugh even more at his fly away hair
'Ye, we are both alive' Layla replied grinning still at Tony's appearance
'How is echo and cisco?

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In that moment, echo and cisco were a little busy fighting guards to answer anything.
CISCO BEHIND YOU!' Echo shouted.
Cisco smacked the guard on the head and they fell to the floor. Echo was fighting a particular guard that seemed to have it out for her.
Damn it, die already!' the guard echo was fighting screamed at her
'Woah, angry issues much?' mumbled echo.
Then what happened happened way to quick for echo to comprehend. The guard in a rage pulled out a needle and lunged at her. Echo cried out as she was tackled down to the floor and she felt the prick of the needle. Flailing, her hand found a rock and she grabbed it and hit the guard over the head with it.
The guard fell to the ground and made no more movement.
Gasping for air, echo looked around, trying to catch her breathe. She spotted Cisco throwing the last guard to the ground.
'WOOOOOO' Screamed Cisco 'Take that!'
Echo grinned at that, but when Cisco turned to her, his smile faded.
'Echo....' cisco said pointing to her leg.
She looked down to see the needle still stuck into her flesh. To her and cisco's horror, all of the fluid in it had been pushed out and into Echo.
'HELLO? Guys, are yous okay?' Frostee asked through the ear com.
'Yeah I'm fine, but echo..... Woooah echo!' In that's moment, echo's body decided to give up on her
Cisco caught her as she fell. 'Some guard gave her an injection, she's awake but a little disorientated.
Echo lay on cisco' lap inable to move or think straight, and cisco's head seem to swim around.
'Its okay echo, help is coming'
'I'mfine' mumbled echo
'Of course you are' Cisco couldn't help snort

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'Frostee, we got the codes, and we need to get out of her ASAP' Layla said
'sent Tony's car to pick us up'
'The hauler is 1 minute and a half away, hide if you must but I'll get you'
'k, I'll drag Tony to the bush'
Layla help Tony up and got him to the bush's.
'Nooooo, my jacket' Tony exclaimed quietly. 'owwww and my kneeee'
'shut up tony' Layla hissed. We're going get caught if you keep screaming like that
Layla was honestly holding back tears of laughter at Tony quietly cursing and failing to clean his jacket.
A minute later Frostee turned up and appear in front of them
'Quickly before anyone notices' Frostee said on the air com. 'We still need to get echo and cisco.'
'how are they?' Layla asked as she helped Tony into a chair. 'Tony probably has a concussion and I pulled every damn muscle in my back from carrying him'
'I was able to handle myself just fine' groaned Tony.
'Ye, definitely' Frostee said with a smirk. 'All I know about the others is Cisco broke a few fingers but is fine'
'And echo?'
Frostee stayed quiet for a moment.
'I'm not sure but I pretty sure she was giving an injection of some sort and is as disoriented as hell. But she'll be fine, you know how she is'
'Ye, hopefully'

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They arrived at the location coming from Echo and Cisco's spy watches. They watched as Cisco held echo and ran to the hauler and when he got in, Frostee hit the gas, while layla made room for echo on the couch.
'Do u know what she was injected with?' Layla asked Cisco.
'Nope but I have the needle here' he pulled it out of his pockets and winced, remembering he had broken several fingers.
Laula looked over to echo, she seemed to be awake but not really there in the room. Her eyes had a look so confusion and the general vibe of not being in the right mind.
'Damn,whatever they gave her must be bad, I hate seeing her so powerless'
'Same' Cisco said.
'what the hell happened to Tony tho....' Cisco asked trying to keep a straight face, but failed and started to snicker at the mud splattered all over him'
'I know wait till he is in his right mind and wait for the tantrum over his jacket' Layla laughed'

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