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Dear A boy,

Its really hard to want something you can't have. It's really hard to know that I could have it, technecally.
But its even harder that I have to stand tall and smile and say no, that I don't want it.
That I don't want you.
Honestly it just hurts I guess. That all I have to do is ask you please and we can be together, happily ever after.
But there is an affect in everything.
Like if I pick you, rather than picking nobody, or rather than picking him, I end up hurting somebody. And that's not something I want to cause. I could end up getting scared again, and let go to soon, for fear that I'll get hurt or even worse, i'll hurt you. There are so many complications.

You want me to say please.
And I want to say please too.
I want us to become apart of each other.
I can say please, only for you, because you want me to say please so we can be us.
But only in my dreams am I allowed to say please. Only in my dreams am I allowed to say that I choose you. That it was always you.

I think I want you to say more then please. And I think i'm to scared to let myself think that. But please, please, please, please. Don't let me leave. Hold me back to you, wrap your arms around my wait like you do in my dreams, like you used to, and don't let me leave. Not again. No matter what I say. I don't want to. I never did.

The girl who didn't want to get away.

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