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Anddd, a lot of people have pointed out that there's not really Isagi x Reo....so here, a little bit of them <3 (I have a plot for this ship okay)









It was now after school and Reo, Isagi, Nagi and Hyo decided to hang out, even though Isagi was practically dying since he was still sick, he said he was fine and came along anyway.

"Bachira had accidentally thrown a cake slice at Itoshi today." Hyo said as he remembered back in one of their classes.

"Oh, yeah that's right." Isagi nodded with a small snicker.

"Was he mad?" Reo asked.

"Definitely." Hyo nodded.

They were currently just heading to a park together since they had no other ideas, and they weren't exactly hungry as of now.

"Oh yeah, by the way, I heard this new mall had recently been opened, round about a week ago, do you guys wanna check it out?" Hyo asked with an excited smile.

"How far away?" Isagi asked.

"Mm...we can take a bus to it, but if we walk, probably around a 45 minute walk." Hyo shrugged.

"That's too much of a hassle, let's bus." Nagi yawned with Reo and Isagi nodding in agreement.

"Sure! Let me see if we even have time to go to the park, I'm not sure when the next bus comes." Hyo explained as he stopped walking to check, causing the others to stop aswell.

Hyo explained to them that they should head off to a bustop now, because the bus arrives in 15 minutes, and so that's what they did, and once they were on the bus, they happened to realize it was really crowded, and there were 2 seats available that they saw, so they allowed Nagi and Hyo to sit down.

"I never knew a new mall would be so popular." Isagi mumbled.

"Mm." Reo nodded in agreement as his eyes were too busy looking at his phone.

It was silent between the 2 for a little bit before the bus came to another bustop to pick up more people, and because of how crowded it was, Reo just had an instinct kick in.

He wrapped his arm around Isagis waist and pulled him close so the people entering the bus could walk by them without a problem and wouldn't push Isagi while doing so.

Reo looked at Isagi and laughed a little.

"Are you okay?" Reo asked.

"Mhm, thanks." Isagi nodded still a bit startled though.

Reo nodded his head as he decided to continue holding Isagi so he wouldn't fall over from in of the bumps since they were standing.

"Well, damn." Hyo said as he shrugged.

"That should be me..." Nagi mumbled.

"Oh, so you do like him?" Hyo asked.

"That's for me to know." Nagi replied.

"You're in a glass closet right now." Hyo deadpanned him.

Nagi paused for a moment, probably trying to remember what that was supposed to mean, once realization hit him, he quickly flicked Hyo.

"Ow." Hyo huffed offended.

Though, Isagi was definitely really tense right now, because, to Isagi, this doesn't seem like something Reo would do. In the end he did just end up relaxing his body after finally calming down.

"Mm...Nagi was right." Reo randomly said which caused Isagi to look at Reo.

"Right about?" Isagi asked tilting his head.

"You are prettier up close." Reo said, rather blunt about it.

Hearing this, Isagi had no idea how to react and he got completely flustered at the compliment.



"You okay Nagi?" Hyo asked.

"I'm wonderful." Nagi nodded.

The bus ride had finally came to an end, but people were really impatient and rushed out of the bus, causing people to bump into Isagi, so Reo pulled Nagi closer than before, which helped.

"Thanks Reo." Isagi smiled.

"No problem." Reo nodded as they pulled apart from each other.

The 4 of them walked out of the bus together, obviously paying, they looked at the mall and saw how huge it was, It wasn't a surprise but they were kinda wondering why it must be so big.

And not even 10 minutes after walking in, the group had somehow split up and lost each other, in duos though, it was currently Nagi with Isagi and Hyo with Reo and they all had no clue where they were.

"How did we even lose them..." Reo sighed.

"Nagi's a literal snowflake, how have we not seen him." Hyo complained.

"Yep." Reo nodded in agreement

The 2 of them carried on walking looking at all the shops around them. Before someone had walked into Hyo and dropped the drink that had.

"Hyo, you okay?" Reo asked with a small laugh.

"Yeah I'm okay, sorry ma,am, are you okay?" Hyo asked the girl who was picking her drink up.

"I'm fine." She snapped, her tone chill though, which had reminded Hyo of someone he had bumped into earlier today.

When the girl looked at Reo and Hyo, Hyo immediately recognized her.

"Oh, it's you again." She said before looking away.

"You know her Hyo?" Reo asked confused.

"I...kinda bumped into her today." Hyo awkwardly chuckled.










A/n: I have no ideas for the next chapter,. LMAO 😭

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