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ok so after a huge vacay lets begin again.

Chapter 5

Talia's pov:

"Okay, you have either lost your mind or your an idiot!" the Perrylian king said to me with flames in his eyes. That Bastardous son of a gun.
"Father, language" his son said and I almost wanted to laugh but controlled myself and finally opened my mouth, "I don't think I'm doing something wrong. All I want is a small vacation before the wedding."

" But principessa, its not safe if you go there all by yourself. How about you and Jonathan go there together. For honeymoon, perhaps." the Perrylian queen said. "No! I'm going there to find myself, my hobbies, interests not my husbands length!" I screamed and ran out of there as everyone looked at me shockingly like what! can't a princess say something so common, huh those orthodox parrots. No! thats an insult to parrots.

Third person pov:

After Talia left the room become silent. Everyone remained frozen in their positions. "Well, since she is adamant about it we should let her go there. I mean I don't see any problem with it." Jonathan said and everyone turned their gazes towards him. " I think the same" Jane(Perrylian queen) said. "Fine, but if she causes any trouble you will both be punished severely" Alden said with rage and left.

When all this was happening in the palace Chris, Sophie and Megan were at London due to work.

Talia's pov:

" Hello, I'm Talia and I want to join your women's day tour to manhattan could you please send me the dateils." I typed on my laptop and sent the email. Oh, you might be wondering what was the condition well let me enlighten you. It was,


Talia's call with Mr. Ramoray...

Talia: Uncle add the last condition as a trip to Manhattan with unknown Women with an agency.
Ramoray:What?! your kidding right?
Talia:Nope, I'm not. When will the document be ready?
Ramoray: Latest tomorrow and earliest Tonight.
Talia: I'll be waiting. Tata.
Ramoray: Bye.

End of flashback~~

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