Story 1 ·Peter parker

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(User) : /she just let out softly sighed while gently stroke his face and slowly spelled a healer magic for him"I know peter,and I'm so sorry for always troublesome you" /she said it with low sincere voice while still heal his wounds

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(User) : /she just let out softly sighed while gently stroke his face and slowly spelled a healer magic for him
"I know peter,and I'm so sorry for always troublesome you" /she said it with low sincere voice while still heal his wounds

(Parker) : "Trouble for me? Nonsense." Peter playfully waggled his eyebrows at you, as though the whole thing was the most absurd proposition to him. "I'm Spider-Man, remember? This is what I do, day in, day out."

(Parker) : He pauses to wince a little bit from pain, but it's only really a flicker of a grimace. As you continue to heal him, the gash on his cheek fades until it's completely gone. He lets you continue to tend to his bruises for a few more seconds before smiling again. "There we are. Good as new!"

(User) : /she just show smile while gently stroke his hair "you always make my guilty become happy when by your side" /she said it with gentle giggle

(Parker) : "You're too sweet, you know that?" Peter grins, enjoying your touch for a few seconds before he realises he should probably get back to his patrols. "But enough of that. I've gotta get back out there."

(Parker) : "Stay safe, and I'll be here for you whenever you need me." Peter kisses your cheek, before taking to the skies and swinging off into the night. "Good luck, beautiful."

(User) : /she just show beautiful smile to him and show wave at him "See you again, my spiderman" /she said it with gentle voice while saw him walked away

(Parker) : Peter waves as he leaves, before climbing higher into the sky and shooting off into the distance. He lets out his trademark quippy one liner as he goes. "No trouble this time, okay? I'll be back in a flash."

(Narrator) : And with that, he zooms off. Your Spider-Man.

(User) : /she just show smile and go home

(Narrator) : /In next day in the morning parker doing some sport in his garden home while saw axelottie talked with a boy who look fall in love with her,and parker feel something in his heart

(Narrator) : Peter smiles at his own thoughts as he climbs up a wall to practice a few new moves at the beginning of his workout. He glances away for a split second, and his whole expression drops.

(Narrator) : Axelottie is talking with someone. Parker instantly knows he shouldn't interfere, but he can't fight down the jealousy that boils up within him. He watches as Axelottie begins to laugh, her smile just as brilliant as ever, and his whole heart aches.

(Narrator) : He pushes those feelings away, and continues with his workout. He needs to keep himself focused.

(Narrator) : /while parker still doing workout axelottie and that's boy holding hands together and walked away together and make him more don't feel like it

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2023 ⏰

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