Sweet Blackmail 💋

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Ping! Ping! Ping!

The text bubbles rapidly popped up on Alex's screen. She groaned lightly under her breath, clearing the notifications, turning her phone on vibrate, and returning to liking and commenting on her friends new pics. She had been trying to scroll mindlessly on Instagram in peace for the past hour, and the only thing standing in her way was Devon Hart, as he constantly blew up her phone with useless questions about the history essay they were partnered up in class for.

Alex gave up the avoidance approach to the situation as she felt her phone vibrate a couple more times, reaching for her laptop and turning it on, immediately seeing Devon looming on their shared google doc, only having contributed his name to the essay so far. Not promising, considering the due date was tomorrow morning. Alex felt her phone continue to vibrate as she pondered how to get this done without having to do everything herself...Admittedly, there were probably much worse fates than that of a Devon Hart text session; he was by far the most devilishly handsome guy in her highschool, hell, probably in the whole town. And sure, in their first year of school together maybe Alex had fantasized about him and his gorgeous brown eyes, curly dark hair and sexy as hell body on multiple occasions...but in this moment, as Alex made note of his obnoxious texting patterns and weak essay skills, she felt alright that she had never tried to get with him.

She sighed and started responding to his many questions with short cold texts, refusing to be too generous yet.
She had actually made a full folder of articles, evidence, historical photos and videos on her phone that had given her everything she needed to write her part of the essay, but she didn't want to send him her special file and basically just hand him everything without him having to lift a finger. Admittedly, Alex didn't know how well Devon did at school, but she was sure a guy that gorgeous probably never had to work too hard to get by and Alex figured she ought to force him to do his own part for once, silently deciding she would only send her cheat sheet folder if absolutely necessary.

Seconds later she felt a new buzz, and a selfie from Devon with a big smile popped up, attached to a message below that simply said "thank you :) " Luckily he was settling for the little help she had begrudgingly given him for now. The picture made Alex smile softly and roll her eyes, she had no clue why a photo of himself was necessary to add to this conversation but damn...he really was handsome, his eyes were so rich, smouldering even, and his hair curled down over his golden skin and framed his sharp jaw perfectly. Shamelessly, Alex stared for a minute longer, before placing her phone down on her bed and closing her eyes, thinking about taking a nap.


Her eyes shot open at the sound of the notification. "You cannot be serious" she thought to herself, "what more could he possibly have to say!?" however when she checked the message it was actually from El, one of her friends, inviting her to a girls night. Alex was totally down, and it was her turn to bring drinks if the girls wanted a wild night...which after all the stress of this essay, Alex desperately needed. Without a second thought Alex grabbed her wallet and keys and got going.


"Alex get your ass over here and take a shot with me!" The slurred voice of El boomed over the music Alex had been blasting all night in El's room, Alex wobbled over, already quite inebriated and about to dive deeper, the third member of their group, Maria, was pouring three shot glasses and setting up her phone for a video. The three crowded the screen and took the shot, giggling and bumping hips, being as silly as they wanted to be. "I love my girls!!" El yelled as Alex and Maria both gave her kisses on her cheeks, they were so drunk, but honestly Alex couldn't remember the last time she had let loose and had this much fun since school had started up again, it was amazing. As Maria stopped the video she quickly shifted focus to looking for more trouble the girls could get into. From over her shoulder Alex sensed Maria rummaging through El's closet for god knows what, maybe comfy clothes, or hair dye or secret booze.
"Nooooo way" Maria gasped, pulling out something even wilder; a lacy bra, sexy garter and panty set.....then gasping way louder as she pulled out a black leather collar and leash
"El you little slut!!! How have you not told us about these!?" El laughed and shrugged "I don't know I guess I thought you two would judge me, we've never talked about getting kinky before. I figured you were both sorta vanilla." Maria nodded, understanding El's little secret "Honestly I am vanilla. I mean anything is possible with the right partner but I've never been interested" the two looked over at Alex, expecting her opinion on the topic, and they didn't need to wait for the answer, the deep blush on Alex's cheeks, paired with her eyes, glued to the collar and leash, had El and Maria knowingly moving closer and lightly shoving Alex around, laughing and teasing "oooo Alex, what are you, a sub?" Alex stuttered and rolled her eyes "I-I don't know. It's not like I've ever actually tried it with someone else" "Well none of us have Alex" El shot back " Doesn't mean its not fun to explore on your own....yknow what? why don't you try it on! Keep your own panties, but we've shared bras before, c'mon it'll be funny if anything" the drunken El handed the lingerie to Alex, who, equally drunk, ran to the bathroom, mildly interested in seeing how it suited her, she thought to herself she could get a laugh out of it with her friends, show off her bod a little...why not? Alex threw on the outfit and collar, and strutted out, acting overly sexy and making her friends laugh. "You actually look amazing" Maria admired her friend, "damn girl you are rocking that!" El nodded in agreement, grabbing Alex's phone "strike a pose, You can't keep my outfit but when you finally get a man you can send him a little surprise pic" El winked. Alex laughed and struck some silly poses, poking her butt out, exaggerating a duck face, after a few she got into a drunken model mode and began smiling and posing more normally. El and Maria sprung into action seeing this change in Alex's confidence and turned the room into a mini photoshoot, Maria dimmed the lights, "damn your phone is almost dead girl, let's hurry up and get the money shot" El teased, jumping onto her bed, Alex blushed and got down on her knees on the floor, looking up at the camera, her cleavage on full display from above, turned up the heat by holding the leash attached to her collar in her hand, tugging on it lightly. El's mouth shot open "okay wait...joking aside you look SO good right now. Come look" El snapped the picture and Maria turned the lights back on, all three sat on El's bed, looking over Alex's phone, scrolling through the pics, laughing at the silly ones, hyping Alex up when they landed on a sexy one, finally, that last photo El took from above came up, and the three squealed "Holy shit you could be in playboy with a shot like that!" Alex blushed, taking herself in. It was definitely the weirdest thing she had ever done, a drunken lingerie shoot with her girls, but honestly the result was shockingly good. Alex had never considered herself to be ugly, but she had never seen herself be sexy before either, the photo was hot as hell; Her green eyes peered up provokingly, freckles dancing on her cheeks, her dirty blonde hair was tousled and messy in a sexy way and her boobs looked great, they were fairly large especially when shot from above, and her thick thighs squished together sensually, lightly censoring her from showing off her full panties and pussy, in a teasing way that left you wanting to see more. Alex grabbed her phone out of El's hand and created a file with a few of her more sexy shots, and thanked her friends for making her actually feel kind of beautiful and hot. The three got into comfy clothes borrowed from El's drawers, settling in to watch a scary movie on El's bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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