The Begining of Time

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Tyla's POV.
Every morning starts off the same wake up, wash up, and get ready for school. I tie my hair into a pony-tail, put on a pair of black leggings and a over size sweater and I'm ready to go. I can hear my older brother Nathan on the phone as he walks towards the stairs that leads to my room "Hurry up Tyla your taking forever!" He yells from down stairs, I ignore him cause he's the last person that needs to be rushing people cause he takes hours just to figure out what he's gonna wear. I put on my shoes and head down stairs he hangs the phone up, grabs his keys and pushes me out the door. The car ride is silent like always, me and Nathan don't get along much. He's the type of guy that's out-going, party's all the time, and flirts with every girl he lays his eyes on. I'm the type of girl that keeps to her self, doesn't really have friends, and gets laughed at for being what others call a "loner" at lunch. Nathan and I are the exact opposites. We arrive at school, he parks and we both get out the car. I headed to my locker as I was grabbing my stuff I felt like someone was watching me but I ignored it thinking it was probably just my imagination. I shut my locker and went to my first class which was World History.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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