Chipped rex chapter 1

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intro Pov:

 It had been weeks since darkno decided to chip people living in the main city and the dinocore people living in hideout they were all safe and not chipped along with a few survivors  because once they get chipped they would immediately become a part of darkno's army however that would all change one day.

Regular pov:

One day the team had arrived at a place rex had said was a party town that threw multiple parties and would help them out in the dire situation however they all soon realised that they were all slightly different and the fun fantastic parties that rex said that they had were all very boring and dull somewhere throughout the party rex had disappeared so akan went to find rex after an hour he finally found rex leaning against a support beam and walked up to him and said '' hey rex where have you been? you know how much I don't like parties...''  rex smiled and said while moving his neck a bit '' yeah sorry about that something just really weird happened there...'' but before rex could continue rakina appeared and said '' what's weird is this party and these people we are leaving to find some more helpful recruits!'' rex and the others gathered in a small group and then rex said '' I don't know what happened to them their last party was amazing it's like they were all replaced with some boring robot versions of themselves..''rex and the others began to leave but then suddenly a person who was dressed up in a purple suit had earrings on their ears and called themselves sabana the leader closed the main doors and said '' it's getting late we would not want you to walk in the complete darkness now would we?'' the other villagers began to surround rex and his team and rex and his friends were beginning to become scared '' we really need to get back to camp'' said John as he began to back up even more frightened '' yeah what my friend said'' said Emily agreeing with John sabana smiled creepily and said '' oh but our guest of honour hasn't arrived yet...'' she then closed her eyes and reopened them revealing them to be dark purple and the rest of the village also had dark purple eyes she then said '' join us all in the bask of light or darkno where you will all be reborned in his image!'' all of the villagers than began to charge and attack them the dinocore kids and the others were defending themselves without trying to hurt them during the battle they were all able to get away and leave the town.

Rex and his friends were walking back to their camps and then akan said '' we can't trust anyone outside our camp now but if we stick together then we will be fine..'' rex smiled agreeing with akan however no one noticed that rex had a chip on the back of his neck!

The end of Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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