Dakari 1.1

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Freezing cold water was thrown over my head. I awoke with a jolt, shivering uncontrollably.

'Face me, savage.'

I kept shivering violently, barely hearing the stranger's voice. The stranger backhanded me.

'I do not ask twice.'

I turned quickly, still shivering. A man sat in front of me, dressed in purple robes.

"Why'd you kill him?"

I could only shake my head in refusal. I couldn't tell them. Images flashed back to me ; the brightness of the sun rising over the village ; the fury of the flames as they burned all I loved.

"You will tell us, whether you want to or not. The only question is when." The man nodded. Hands grabbed me from behind and I was pulled under. I struggled and tried to scream ; only bubbles emanated from my blue lips. I closed my eyes and fled to my mind.

"Dakari - save me." A small voice whispered. Startled, my eyes shot open. In front of me was my youngest sister, Mada. We were home. Why did she look so afraid? I raised my arm and tried to reach for her, but a net came down on top of her. She screamed in fear, her eyes lost in their innocence.

I was yanked up and gasped for breath. "Why'd you kill him?" I shook my head resolutely. His face darkened with rage and he backhanded me again. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're only killing yourself now."

I grinned at him. Good. The sooner this is over the sooner I can see my family. He was incredulous. Nodding furiously at his assistant, I was shoved under again. And released into the metallic air. And back into the water. Again. And again. Soon the water had lost its sting ; his words their meaning. I crept into the soothing embrace of what I could only hope was death.

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