(Charlie Narrating)
Hey, I'm Charlie. Charlie Puth. I just graduated college, and I have a best friend named Meghan Trainor. We were best friends like ever since. Today I was planning to take out Meghan somewhere. Not as a date ok? I know she's nice, funny, gorgeous, and she has a beautiful voice. But were just friends.
(End of Narration)
Charlie's POV
It was around 4 p.m so I called Meghan too see if she's doing fine.
She's at her tour by the way."Hey Meg!"
"Hey Charlie! I miss you so much! I've been in tour forever!"
"Heheh. So how's the tour?"
"Fine. I really miss you and Emmy."
(Emmy is also a best friend of Meghan)"When are you coming back boo?"
Ugghh! Charlie why did you say boo!"Umm. Probably tonight or tomorrow morning. And did you seriously call me boo?!"
"Uh. Sorry. I guess""It's fine. I like it. Sounds cute. Well I gotta go. My show's coming on! See you tonight! Love ya!"
"Yeah! See you tonight Meg! Good Luck! Love ya!"
Meghan and I dropped the call.