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Requested by localvietnamesegirl
I'm not gonna lie these are just here so wattpad doesn't delete them again..
- Bad language
- smut
- um I think that's all! Happy reading my loves xx


"Alright! Now do another lap! Keep your legs together!"

Felix glanced around, his bare feet treading against the wet concrete ground. He was carrying his swim bag, usually full of towels, goggles and a change of clothes. But this time, there was a new addition to the bag: condoms and lube.

Okay, he specifically signed up for swim class with a certain swim coach. Hwang Hyunjin. The Prince of KIS, (Korean International School.). Sure, Hyunjin might not be into him.. but Felix could be quite, persuasive.

He set down his bag, walking elegantly towards Hyunjin, who was waiting for his arrival with crossed arms.

Hyunjin tsked, "You're Late, Lee Felix.".

Felix shrugged, "I was giving a guy head." he confessed, smirking as he neared Hyunjin. The black haired male hummed, keeping his ground. "Is that so?" he questioned, his voice deep and husky.

The blonde nodded, smiling innocently. Hyunjin narrowed his eyes before pushing Felix into the pool. Felix shot back up, gasping for air and pouting.

He glared at Hyunjin, "Hey! You could've killed me!" he complained, huffing. Hyunjin simply chuckled, "I would hope not, considering you did sign up for swimming lessons after all.". Felix groaned, "yeah you dipshit! To learn".

Hyunjin scoffed, "you were raised in Australia, I'm sure you know how to swim." He pointedly spoke, making Felix huff. He moved closer, grabbing onto the edge of the pool and looking up at the elder with a suggestive smirk.

"Okay then coach. Could you pretty please grab my goggles from my bag? It's the white one with the-"

"Yeah I know." Hyunjin sighed before turning around and rummaging through Felix's bag in search of the goggles. He paused for a moment when he noticed the condoms and lube Felix had packed.

Picking one of the condoms up, he chuckled, reading the size. "Come on now. He really thinks I'm a medium?" He murmured to himself, scoffing. He picked up the lube quickly too, humming as he observed it was cherry-flavoured.

"Come on coach, what's taking so long?" Felix whined, making Hyunjin glare at him. "I'm looking for them, Lee.".

Hyunjins fingers wrapped around the plastic goggles and he pulled them out, checking them first before tossing them to Felix.

The blonde caught them, placing them on and looking up at Hyunjin expectantly. "So, Coach what should I do?"

Hyunjin smirked, "two full loops, to the other side and back, freestyle.". Felix groaned, "coach! That's like four laps~" the blonde whined, pouting.

"Exactly, go on, Lix.".

Felix blushed at the nickname, quickly kicking off to avoid the elder from seeing his pink cheeks. He swam the first loop with ease, but as he began the second lot, his breathing became rugged and he slowed.

He was finally finishing the last lap, seeing the wall approaching, when Hyunjin suddenly jumped down in front of him. Felix blushed, if that was even possible underwater.

He was no longer wearing a shirt, and his abs were well defined to say the very least. Felix turned up right, cocking his head to the side slightly.

Hyunjin grinned, "you did a good job, but you need to work on your form." He instructed, nearing the blonde male. Felix gripped onto the lane line, regaining his unsteady breath.

Hyunlix Oneshots • H.H.J x L.F.L •Where stories live. Discover now