Chapter 28

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Arendea saw the apologetic look on Yerdonˋs face as He pushed her through the gate. She screamed out his name as She saw him turn around and drew his sword.

She passed through the gate and landed on a hard surface. She slowly got up from the ground and looked around at her surroundings. She found herself in an ally that was dark with only the lights from the strange buldings around her.

She looked at the hard black ground She had fallen on and found it quite strange. She looked at where She had come from and saw the mark of the gate on it.

She quietly said Yerdonˋs name before calling his name louder and went to the mark. She put her hand on the gate in hopes that She could open it like She did with the first one.

But it didnt work but Arendea kept on trying as She said to herself. "Please work! Please, please work! He must be still be alive! He must be!" She stopped and began to fall to her knees as She fell to the dispair of losing her husband.

She began to cry and said Yerdonˋs name over and over again with tears running down her face. She kept on crying before She stopped and felt something wet running down her legs.

She looked down and saw the small puddle around her and realized that her water had broke. She looked up and saw the red moon in the sky signaling that it was time for her child to be born.

Arendeaˋs eyes winded and said to herself. "No, No not now!" She slowly got up from the ground once more and began to panic a little and wondering what She should do.

Then She heard a strange loud sound comming from the street and turned to look at it. She saw the lights from the lampost with people walking passed the ally.

She looked at the ally for a few minutes before deciding to go towards it in hopes of finding her people. Or find someone who might help her in the conditon Sheˋs inn.

When She got out into the street She took notice of the people in this realmsˋs strange clothes and horseless wagons going up and down on the roads.

She stood still for a momment before walking down the street to the right. The people She walked passed gave her strange lookes and didnt notice how much pain Sheˋs in.

She felt the pain in her back getting worste as She kept pushing herself to keep moving. After a few minutes She couldnt keep walking anymore and leaned on the wall of a building.

She felt the contractions getting worste as She screamed out in pain. A man and a woman took notice of her and went over to see if She was alright.

They spooke to her in a laungage that She didnt understand and when Arendea was about to say something. She screamed out in pain and clutched her stomace as the couple realised She was in laybor.

The woman said something to the man and He took out a strange divice and began to talk into it. The woman grabbed Arendeaˋs hand and talked to her in a voice that sounded reasuring and calm.

Arendea let out a few breaths as She wished that Yerdon was here with her. A few minutes passed and a white horseless wagon drove up to them and two men wearing white shirts with a red cross came out of it.

They made their way out of the strange wagon and began to talk to the man for a minute before turning to Arendea. They began to talk to her but She didnt understand them either as the man told them something.

They looked at him for a few minutes before one of them went to the back of the wagon. He got out a strange divice with four small weels and brought it to Arendea.

The other man took her hand and said something to her and pointing to the divice. She looked at it for a few secounds before turning back to the man and didnt see any ill intent in his eyes.

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