Chapter 5: W.E

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Eight months into my tenure as Spider-Man, the city buzzed with chatter about the mysterious figure swinging between skyscrapers. My actions had earned me monikers like Shadow Spider, Dark Arachnid, and Nightcrawler, but it was Dread Weaver that resonated and struck fear into the hearts of my adversaries. I had become a known entity, leaving an indelible mark on the city.

In my nightly escapades, I routinely faced off against the infamous trio, always emerging victorious. However, lately, they seemed to have disappeared from the city's crime-fighting scene. Undeterred, I shifted my focus to a more insidious threat – a low-life gangster linked to a notorious criminal organization involved in human trafficking and drug trade.

One night, shrouded in darkness, I finally cornered the individual I had been hunting. The atmosphere was tense as I apprehended the key figure in the criminal web that had plagued the city. The thrill of capturing this menace was palpable in the night air, and the struggle against the forces of darkness continued.

Dread Weaver: WHERE ARE THEY?

Thug: I...I...I... don't-

Interrupting him, I delivered a forceful punch to his stomach. The thug struggled to catch his breath, on the verge of vomiting. I seized his hair, forcing him to meet my intense gaze.

Dread Weaver: Your time is running out. Share the location of your boss and the warehouse, and we can conclude this swiftly

The thug's eyes shifted anxiously, his breath becoming shallow.

Thug: I... I don't know anything! I swear.

Dread Weaver: Are you sure about Mr. Todd?

The thug's fear intensified as I revealed Todd's name.

Todd: How did you-

Dread Weaver: Mr. Todd, fate has a peculiar way of forging unexpected connections. Your residence is in a dim, cramped apartment on the downtrodden south side of Queens. Life hasn't shown you much kindness, Mr. Todd. In your youth, you scraped for morsels in the dirty alleyways of Queens—grubby, adorned in tattered clothes, desperate, and yearning for a more refined existence.

As he began to shout for help, I swiftly covered his mouth with my left hand, muffling his cries.

Dread Weaver: Then, at the age of 14, you found yourself entangled with the infamous New York Kings, recognized for their involvement in drug and human trafficking. Since that time, you ascended to become Mr. Jason's right-hand man.

Todd: IF I ever tell YOU, THEY WILL KILL ME!

This enrages me because the individual standing before me is the very person who committed abhorrent acts of raping numerous underage children and inundating Florida with a deluge of drugs, extending even to Puerto Rico.

Dread Weaver: THEN.GIVE.ME.WHAT.I.WANT!... I could help you.

The man started thinking of his options and finally told me the location.

Todd: Now I told you everything now pl-

As he was on the verge of completing his statement, I incorporated talons into my suit and drove them into his stomach. His blood began to spill onto the floor, and he gazed at me in disbelief. A heavy tone marked his attempt to speak.

Todd: You...Tol-

I let him fall to the floor, and he commenced crawling toward the door, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. I observed him as he struggled to move, simply standing and watching.

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