The Boy

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(The whole book is Lynix's Pov)

The burning summer sun shines on my high school, I'm looking out the window away from my boring math teacher who was talking about Algebra, I never understood it, who would. 

"Lynix!" shouts my math teacher, Mr Grain, making me jump, I look at him, scared. 

"I hope you were listening." Mr Grain says angerly as he and the whole class stares at me, well Mr Grain was more a glare, how embarrassing.

"Sorry Mr Grain I'll try better next time.." I say to him looking down in embarrassment.

"You better, Lynix, if it happens again, I'll send you the the principals office," he says in a firm, strong voice while throwing glare bullets at me.

"Am I clear enough for your little brain?" he says with an evil smirk, while the class laughs and snickers.

"Loud and clear sir.." I say embarrassed, I turn slightly red from embarrassment, I want the floor to swallow me whole.

"Good, now where was I..." he says going back to his boring class, some of my classmates were still snickering at my embarrassing moment, ugh, I hate this class.

I look at my empty page in my math book, I sigh and look at the 1000's of words Mr Grain wrote on the board, I didn't even understand half of them.

"Yo bro, you alright?" Bionic asks, looking at me from beside me.

"I'm fine, but I hate this teacher and cla-" I try to say but before I could finish it, I was rudely interrupted by the loud bell, I sigh again, why is everyone and everything against me.

"You were saying?" Bionic asks as he packs up his stuff.

"Don't worry about it.." I reply to him as I pack up my stuff too.

"Are you sure" Bionic asks looking at his friend with slight worry.

"I'm fine, I promise." I reassure him while I look at him then give him a smile.

It was obvious he knew it was fake, his worried was got more worried.

"If you say so..." Bionic says as he takes his stuff and leaves, I take my stuff and walk out after him.

I stuff my books and everything into my locker and take my lunch box out. 

I want to be alone so I walk to the music rooms to eat my lunch.

I made sure no one follows me, but before I sit down, I hear quiet singing, it was one of my favorites... This singing was coming from music room 06, I peek in the room and saw a boy sitting in the corner of the room, with headphones on. he was singing, his voice was... Beautiful. 

He was really good at singing, he knew the songs off by heart, he had fluffy brown hair, majestic dark green eye's, dark but clear skin, he must have a really good hair and skin routine.

I start humming to his beautiful singing, while I eat my lunch. 

Actually, I've never seen him around the school, or in my classes.

He must always come here in break, I don't know how I'd miss a guy that pretty and talented..

Why would he hide from the world.. 

The loud bell interrupts my thoughts and I quickly get up and run to my class.

English. Great.

I sit down next to Quiff, my friend.

He was writing the notes that were already on the board but the only thing I could focus on was that boy, I have so many questions, like why isn't he in the choir, he has an amazing talent, he should be bragging about or-

"Lynix, start listening and writing before I give you a detention!" Miss Clock yells interrupting my long thoughts.

I quickly start writing, ugh I hate that old hag, she's the worst.

"Doesn't she have anything better to do?" Quiff whispers to me, while glaring at her.

"I know right, she needs to get a husband as ugly as her" I whisper back to him.

Quiff giggles at the statement I made.

"What's on your mind?" Quiff asks in a whisper.

"There was a boy in music room 06, he was singing my favorite songs and his voice was beautiful, he had brown fluffy hair, dark but clear skin and dark green majestic eyes" I whisper to him.

"Sounds like you have a crushhh" Quiff whispers with a quiet giggle.

"What, No! Ugh, Nevermind" I say to him as he still giggles but goes back to his notes, leaving me in thought.

Do I like him?

(This is so bad.. I need to work on the plot more, very sorry for the mistakes I make in the chapter, Hope you have a day as amazing as you)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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