7 It was not a date

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*the above photo is what Alex wears at the beginning for the paperwork she needs to do for her cases and maybe imagine with a blazer and purse if you want*

"Omg just shut up" were the first words out of Alex's mouth at the police station.

"But it was a date though like why are you even lying girl" Val said as she sorted through some case files.

"Who went on a date?" their friend and fellow officer Lucy butted in.

"It wasn't a date I was just trying to get to know my new coworkers like you told me to Val"Alex said throwing her arms up in exasperation.

"Hold up Alex had a guy over. The same Alex who said 3 years ago that she would never date anyone like ever" Violet jumped in handing Lucy their gear bag for the shift.

"Yes" Val said

"Ladies what's with all the chit chat" Athena said grabbing her walkie talkie from the charge box.

"Nothing sergeant Grant" the four girls said in unison.

"Officers Glen and Nolan if I remember correctly you guys are on patrol today so best hop to it and DS Jackson and Jackson don't you have cases to be reviewing." Athena said giving them all the disappointed mom face. Now Alexandra's mom never gave the disappointed mom face mainly because she sucks but Athena's mom face makes all of them, grown ass women,wither under the pressure.

"Yes ma'am sorry ma'am" the girls said before running to their stations for the day.


For her next shift she ended up at the amusement park after someone got thrown of the rollercoaster. She watches as Evan makes his way up to the rollercoaster and try to help this kid hanging for dear life. She moves to the ambulance and starts grabbing the necessary supplies for the injuries they may encounter. Behind her she hears chimney muttering "Come on Buck" under his breath and secretly she was saying that too.

She sits there in anticipation with Chimney and Hen waiting for the kid to grab Buck's hand. Her head slowly starts counting a if time is moving in slow motion. 1 minute, 2 minutes, before she could get to three the kid let's go. He starts plummeting to the ground. It's as if time stops, Chim has his hands on his head in shock and Hen just stands there. Her body instantly moves to cover her mouth as her jaw falls open. Screams are coming from everyone around her and all she can do is watch and let it happen.

She see's Evan's eyes go wide as he just sits there after the guy he was supposed to save falls.


Buck sits at the table and Chim set's a plate of food in front of him only to get a little mumble from Buck saying "I'm not hungry."

"It America Buckaroo eating has nothing to do with being hungry" Chim says walking away.

"That is very true" Alex buts in trying to lighten the mood. "I one time had a patient eat 5 hamburgers from the cafeteria just because they knew they needed to fast for the 12 hours before their surgery. This was after they had just finished their dinner."

"I was right there you know all he had to do was grab my hand." Buck announces which makes Alex drop her book to pay more attention to the conversation at hand.

"People do funny things at times like that, sometimes they just freeze up" Chim responds.

"Never lost anyone before, does it get any easier"

"No" Bobby says blatantly

"I beg to differ" Alex says " from what I have seen it depends on the person.

"Look people die and that's part of the gig right? See your problem is that your looking at every job like its a long term relationship, They're one night stands in the moment they mean everything to you but once morning comes" snap "time for the next one"

Hen shows up from the staircase with the one and only Sergeant Athena Grant right behind her and Alex internally grimaces after their last interaction. "Hey you don't mind that I brought some company to family dinner? Athena's going through some stuff at home so she could use some TLC." Alex plasters the best smile she could muster at that moment and turns around to greet her colleague setting her book on the counter in the process.

"Well we don't usually allow cops at secret firehouse meetings but uhh ill make and exception" Bobby says greeting the sergeant.

Alex doesn't hear much of Athena's conversation with Buck but whips her head around when Athena says "keeping me from getting shot deserves a second chance." As she finds Buck shaking Athena's hand. Also when did Athena almost get shot, she is literally so lost as she sits down at the firehouse table next to Buck.

Bobby then changes the subject to Buck's first death that night. And Athena gives some very wise advice " you know why they make us wear these uniforms?"

"Sex appeal" Chimney shouts to the whole of Los Angeles and she has to shove some salad in her mouth to keep from laughing.

"So people can easily identify us" Buck says solemnly. Who knew the Dalmatian of the station knew the answer.

"Both true, but" and when Alex hears that "But" she tilts her head in confusion "it is also for our own good because when we take the uniform off at the end of the day it symbolizes letting go of all the sad, crazy, inhumane things we had seen that day." Athena ends.

Alexandra Jackson will remember that for the rest of her life only to be cut of by Buck and his depression again. "I still see him when i close my eyes does that happen to any of you? Alex?" He says nudging you in the shoulder seeing as you had zoned out.

Thankfully you were saved from saying anything by Athena saying "It will pass" . Then before anyone could say anything else the bell started ringing and she bolted up from her chair and ran towards the engine saying bye to Athena on her way down the rest of the team following suite.


Alex walked into her apartment building to find her sister on the couch "Heeyyyyyy" Val said "How was your shift?"

"Pretty good poor Buck had his first death today" Alex said setting her bag down next to the door.

" Yeah I saw that on the TV.Maybe you should invite him over for another date to help take his mind of things" Val remarked raising her eyebrows with a little wink earning a hit to the face with a pillow from Alex.

"Shut up I was just trying to make more friends"

"You have me you don't need more friends" Val exclaimed waving her hand around.

"Yeah but not getting to know my coworkers is a little weird" Alex said sitting down with her sister "So how was your day?" She questioned launching Val into  a rant about how they had 13 calls that day.


They pull up on scene and I jump out right behind Buck. I look up and see the guy standing on his balcony and a lady on the balcony over yelling back towards him. Couples fight gone wrong?

"We are gonna have to do the maneuver" Bobby says staring at Buck.

"O Bobby no" Buck starts only to be cut off by Bobby


"I'll do it" Chimney says

"Wait what is the maneuver?" I ask.

"You'll see" Hen mutters in my ear

"No Buck's got this" Bobby finishes and all 4 of them just look at him. "You got this"

I move to go with chimney and hen to set up the blow up thing. After  it is set up I just sit there and watch. The next thing i know and buck lowers himself to the guy and kicks him in. "That looks like it hurt" I mutter under my breath as I move to get my kit.

A/N: so sorry that this chapter was just switching between 3rd and 1st pov. I'm trying to move this story into mostly first person pov because i think it will be better.

Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" Buckley (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now