Girls Night

341 5 11

The girls are hanging out, and the Prank Trio decide to try and prank them, so they see if they can send Friend inside.


3rd POV

   "It's so UNFAIR", Tycer groans. The trio were standing outside of Amber's house, while all the girls were inside having a 'Girls Night'.

   "Agreed, why couldn't they have just invited all of us? Pretty rude", complains Natsu, he then turns over to Friend, "What do you think?".

   Friend makes a 'pftt' sound and shrugs their shoulders.

  "Friend's right! We need to find a way in there and make them regret not inviting us! We can't just break in though cause Amber and her weird witch power stuff." Friend lightly shakes their head at Tycers response. The three stand in silence for a few moments before Tycer breaks it.

   "Hold on." He uttered before jogging up to the front door but stopping a few inches in front of it, he leans forward to get a closer look at the sign on the door.

                         Girls Night
                          NO BOYS !
              (Specifically you Tycer)

   After a quick glance, he then strolled back to the others with a wide smile across his face.

   "Ok ok! So, the sign up there says 'no boys' BUT! Friend here isn't a boy, soooo, we can have them get inside and find a way to sneak us in!" Tycer beamed, but was only responded with silence.

   "But," Natsu furrows his brows and tilts his head, "Friend isn't a girl either-"

  "I know! But the sign didn't say 'girls only' which technically means Friend is allowed in, since they're not a boy! or girl..." Tycer claimed, interrupting Natsu. He then swirls around and faces Friend, grabbing them on the shoulders.

   "Soooo? What'd ya say? You go in there, find a way to sneak us in, then we wreck the party! Huh?" Tycer stares at Friend, in anticipation, waiting for a reply. Friend only stares back at Tycer before looking at the house then back at Tycer, hesitantly nodding.

   "Good, great! Now shoo shoo!" Tycer shoves Friend toward the house. Friend glares over at Tycer then makes their way to the building.

   Once in front of the door, they mess with their turtle neck a bit before they reach out and knock on the door. All the sounds from inside the house come to an abrupt stop. Stomping starts quietly then slowly gets louder as the door suddenly swings open.

   "TYCER! I TOLD YOU I-" Amber stops in her tracks when she sees Friend jolt back. "Oh Friend! Sorry about yellin', thought Tycer was tryna get in... again... Would you like ta' come in?" She moves from the doorway, making room for Friend to walk in.

   Friend bows down slightly before slowly shuffling into the building as Amber closes the door behind them. She motions for Friend to follow her as she makes her way down a spiral staircase, with Friend in pursuit.

   "Let me guess, was it Tycer again?" Maya's voice can be heard, annoyance clear in it, as the two make it to the bottom of the steps.

   "Nope, jus' some mute nerd." Amber walks over to a bean bag chair and plops herself on it, leaving Friend awkwardly standing alone.

   "Friend!!" The sudden shout of their name alarms Friend as they jerk back, before getting scooped into a familiar embrace. Luna picks up and spins Friend around the room till they ended in front of the couch, where Luna dropped Friend onto the left end of the couch, sitting next to them.

   "So what're you doing here? Tycer drag you into some prank again?" Moe questioned Friend, who was sitting on the opposite end of the couch with Violet fast asleep next to her. Friend, not wanting to rat their friend out, shook their head and quickly looked around the room for something they would have needed to come here for.

   They spot some potions sitting on the coffee table and point at them. "Oh, you came for some potions? What kind did you need?" Amber gets up and walks over to the coffee table then gathers up all the potions, taking them to a chest in a corner of the room. Following Amber's lead, Friend also gets up and makes their way to the chest, they point at one of the bottles in Amber's hand that has a clear silver liquid in it.

   "Invisibility? Alright, lemme' see if I have anymore of 'em." She hands the potion she had in her hand to Friend before placing the rest in the chest. Amber digs around in the chest before closing it, she hands 2 more potions to Friend. "I have more of 'em somewhere but that should probably be enough for you alone, but if not then you can just stop by and I'll give you s'more", she then pokes Friend on the forehead, "But it'll cost ya' " She laughs then makes her way back to the bean bag.

   Friend bows, excusing themself, as they make their way back towards the stairs. "Wait wait!" Luna hops off the couch and rushes toward Friend, grabbing their hand, "You can stay and hang with us, I mean, it's not like you're busy with anything right? And I'm sure everyone else won't mind right?" She turns toward everyone else, her grip on Friends hand slightly tightens as her smile turns slight... menacing.

   "I don't mind/Sure, why not/Mhm" Maya, Moe and Amber all answer quickly. Luna turns back to Friend and grabs both their hands into hers, "See they don't mind, why don't you stay?" Friend hesitates, knowing Tycer and Natsu are probably waiting for them but they know the girls need this break away from the guys constant nagging and pranks, so they nod their head, agreeing to stay.

   Luna drags Friend back to the couch, except this time she sits on the end of the couch. "Can you turn the movie back on?" Maya asks Amber, "Oh right! Sorry." She grabs the remote and continues the movie.

   Friend feels themself get pulled down, their head ending up in Lunas lap. She unties their hair bun and messes around with their hair while watching the movie. Not even five minutes go by and someone grabs Friends hand, they look up and it's Moe, she's holding some nail polish as she makes eye contact with them, "May I?" she whispers. Friend nods then turns their attention back to the TV, Moe continues on with painting their nails.


   "Uno" Tycer states as he places a card down. Him and Natsu got a bit tired of waiting so they went back to his place to pass some time. "What do you think happened to Friend?" He asks, placing down his final card after Natsu places one of his.

   Natsu picks up all the cards and starts to shuffle them, "Ladys probably found out why they were there and are now torturing them or they're getting babied, most likely the latter." He starts passing out the cards.

   "Eh, sounds like something that'd happen."


Mama Luna >>>>>>>>>

Also, Emi wasn't invited cause she's a jerk. Nor Avery cause they're non-binary, and a psycho. :)

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