- Stealing Shit - Ch:1

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pov: i don't know man

You look around the vast desert, searching for a victim to steal from.

Why the desert of all places? Because many cookies who traverse through the desert are inexperienced with bandits like yourself. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch something glistening in the ocean of sand, and wander closer to investigate.

You hear people bickering with each other.

"NO! you will not take my crown!"

" Oh come on just let me hold it!"

"No! you are just going to run away!"

"Agh- fine."

'Crown you say? Hmm, i like the sound of that.'

You sprint ahead of the group, hiding behind sand dunes and rocks. You reach a rock formation that they were walking towards, then unhook a grapple from your belt. First you attach the bungee to a harness around your waist, then catch the grapple between two boulders. You get into position and wait for the group to walk under the ledge you perched on.

Finally, you begin to count.

One cookie.

Two cookies.

Three cookies.

Four cookies.

And Finally, the fifth cookie.

More importantly, the crown! Oh and what's this?

The short cookie wearing the crown also carried a scepter, which was a bright gold, like the crown.

You dive off the ledge, going for the crown and the scepter. You snatch both objects, and quickly shoot back up. You hear the child yell, quickly accompanied by his companions, but you don't care. You only cared for money, and unfortunately for them, this was the easiest method for you to make money.

' plus, they were the idiots who were carrying unsecured valuables in the desert, which was stupid if you ask me.'

You thought, dashing off in the opposite direction they were going, their yelling following you. Continuing to run, you reach a cliff. Once you see the cliff, you don't slow down, instead, you speed up. The cookies following behind you see the cliff as well, and start to slow down, assuming that they had cornered you.

They had not in fact. You had a couple of tricks up your sleeves for occasions like this. You take a big leap and fall off the cliff, the cookies all run to the edge, thinking that you had just leapt to your doom. They'er all quite for a minute, until-


A strong gust of wind hits the group, knocking them all back.

looking up at the shadow that crossed over them, they gasped in collective surprise. You were gliding above the sand, the scepter and crown locked in your grip.

From what they could see, it almost looked like you had wings.

You laughed, waving one hand at them as you passed overhead, the stiff movements of the mechanism keeping you in the air closing, allowing you to dive-bomb a few feet above their heads, then swoop away, gliding off at a speed that they couldn't hope to keep up with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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