I. Closet Gays

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Let's start by introducing myself. I'm a 30 year old Latin American, from a fucked up country that had a dictator (well, almost all of them had one or still has one, but people call them presidents nowadays). Mostly trying to live life the fullest by working my ass off, so I can go party and travel around the world.
At the age I have reached I haven't really been involved with anyone in a serious platform. Well is not easy to find one true person that you could spend your life with. Not in my case anyway. I have had several lovers. Some for years and some for less than a week. Usually ending up as acquaintances.
In my early twenties, I "fell" for one person and my best friend - "Jackie" - had to hear about him almost every day during one year. At the time it was mostly the longing for a companion that made me into such a zombie. Now that I think of him I can't understand what I saw in that Christian a-hole, that liked going down on his knees to suck cock more than he liked to pray. Every time I tried to meet a new guy, they were always closet gays. I have a curse that I have always dated guys that aren't "out".

The three types of guys that I meet/follow me around like a dog in heat are as follows:

Religious guys -
Guys raised by religious parents and think that what they are doing is wrong. So wrong that they are going to burn in hell and so forth. I was raised in a Catholic household and I used to go to church and pray before I went to sleep. But I learned that there are things in the holy scripts (not just the Bible) that can't be applied to modern day society. The world has changed a lot since those scriptures were written. Many people make their own interpretations in the way they would like the world to look like; And every time I encounter or see such people, I think of Matthew 7:15.

Ethnic guys (mostly Latinos or Arabs) -
I like my men dark, not really into "pig meat" like I call the light skinned guys. Why pig meat? Have you seen a light skinned guy between the legs? Looks like a pig's tail having an erection. Trust me I should know. Most Latinos or Arabic guys I dated always make sure that family pride is their first priority. And they make sure that the "thing" they are doing won't leak out or the family will get a bad reputation.In which most cases, they could get expelled from the family. How could they live after such families value? Where do they stand as persons?

Guys with girlfriends -
All I can say is that their girlfriends must not be working, their pussies right that makes them look for something hard up their arses. The funny part is that with the girl they play this macho guy and when they are looking for a guy they just beg for more action from behind or ask you if they're doing a good job blowing you. This type of guys always says "I'm bisexual". So what? Only because you fucked pussy it makes you bisexual? I have tasted pussy and it was OK, but that doesn't mean I'm Bi. It's fine that you have an experimental period. But when they start reaching the middle of their twenties is not cute anymore to be labeled as a bisexual. There is one thing that makes them into burning homos and future jacks-in-the-box; is that they LOVE Mariah Carey - one of the top divas that gays adore (its not my kind of music, but I like her condescending attitude). Somehow Mariah always equals a closet gay man.
When I meet this type of guys, they always get emotionally involved in the beginning and as soon they spend a little time with their families the excuses starts. Here are some of my favorite excuses I have heard:

"I know I don't have a future with a guy so I'm going to find a girl and have a family with her."

"My family have started to suspect something so I'm going to keep a low profile in the gay community."

"I don't want to get so emotionally involved with, you know that this is never going to work."

After they say those lines comes the best line of all:

"But I still want to be friends with you."

But at the end they know that they like the taste of cock, but aren't man enough to face the reality of what they are: a bunch of QUEENS!

But every time I told myself that I won't do the same fucking mistake again. But no! There comes another one and it was Déjà vu all over again.

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