Chapter 1

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It was a normal day, Anonymous and his brother Kon, were at the playground in the sandbox. At the time, Anonymous and Kon were just little kids, about 5 years old. Anonymous had a little toy truck, and Kon had a tiny toy tank, "You have no chance at beating me!" Anonymous said, referring to the game that they were playing. "No way man! I'm totally gonna win this war!" said Kon, they were playing a game that they called, War of Voice, Voice was they're last name, which makes most of their family members names make more sense, as you will see. they where racing to a little lump of sand that they called a fort, Kon won, he jumped up and started to do Fortnite dances. "DANG IT!" Anonymous screamed, he was mad, but didn't want to be a sore loser, so he kept it to himself.  He moved on and started to make random things out of sand, until he noticed at the corner of his eye that Kon has stopped dancing, and he was looking behind him, he then realized that Kon was looking towards a sound of a loud and rusty engine. Anonymous got up to see what it was, and saw a white van driving towards them, Kon looked at Anonymous and Anonymous looked at Kon, they were both confused, but as they were looking at each other they didn't notice the van was getting closer. "Dude that guy needs to get that van checked" Anonymous said, but when he was done saying this, an arm came out of the van and snatched Anonymous. Anonymous was thrown into the corner of the van, Kon screamed, but it didn't matter, Anonymous was in the van, and the van was driving off. Anonymous was scared, but since he hit his head when he was thrown into the corner, his vision was blurry. there was a man in front of him but he couldn't see him, yet, his vision was getting better, and soon it became normal, and he looked at the man. The man was actually Abnormal Voice, Anonymous' uncle! Anonymous was shocked, confused, but then, Abnormal Voice got up and opened the van door. Abnormal stuck his head out and put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a Tide pod. now, you're gonna see tide pods ALOT in this, but lets get back to the story. He pulled it out and then he threw it out into the front of the van and a portal appeared! Anonymous was still shocked and confused, but now he's REALLY shocked and confused. He then took anonymous and said "Ya know, I never really liked you" before threw him out into the portal, and the portal closed before the van could go in, "haha, it worked" said Abnormal Voice. Anonymous was now in a different dimension, he didn't know what to do, he wondered into a hotel and got a room, I don't know how a 5 year old got a hotel, but, he was now in SagaVille, where pretty much nothing makes sense, but little did he know, so much stuff was going to happen to him in to him in about, 16 years.

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