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Growing up, I was told that marriage is sacred. I was told that once I walk down that isle my life would change for the best. For so long, I had dreamed about a fairytale wedding. Walking down the isle towards my future husband and a new life that would sweep me away with romance, laughter and fun.

As I grew older, my expectations for romance and loved shifted. I seemed to want adventurous romance to blow me away. I had always seemed to think that after the wedding, the 'happily ever after' would soon follow, nipping at the heels of the wedding and happiness.

For my walk down the isle, I had expected to feel butterflies and utter happiness. But, I never expected to feel utter dread and unease towards the man waiting for me at the alter. How did it come to this?

I felt my heart sink. Why did nothing seem to be going right for me? I had thought that on my wedding day I would be all smiles and giggles. But i had yet to shake myself out of the stupor my best friend had put me in with her texts.

In my wake this morning, I had gotten ready with a smile on my face. I had simply brushed out my fiery red curls - since I had wanted to keep it simpleand had worn my simple white wedding dress and my white bedazzled sneakers.

Yes, I was wearing sneakers to my wedding. High heels and I - and every heel in general -  didn't get along. I didn't want to trip and fall and end up looking like a fool on my special day.

I had been so exited. Thinking that my future husband was waiting for me to just say 'I do' for us to start our new life, it had me walking on air the whole of the morning on my wedding.

Then, just as I had been tying the laces of my sneakers, my phone had rang. Seeing my best friends name flash across the screen, I had been even more excited. Darcy. I smiled. She was my maid of honour and she had volunteered to hold my dress as I walked down the isle with my brother.

The dread tone in which she had used in the greeting had made my heart pound. I had stopped tying my laces instantly as worry had shot through me. What has happened? I hope she's alright...

The bomb she had dropped on me seconds after that shattered what ever thoughts that had been racing and zooming in my mind. My entire world seemed to tilt on its exis and I felt my heart drop out my butt straight onto the floor. 

I had come face to face with a heart shattering truth. How had I not seen this before? Had I been so blinded by Luke's love that I failed to notice..? All I had heard at that moment as the phone dropped out of my hands was blood rushing to my ears and my surroundings getting hazy.

When my brother had come into the room, I did not know. But I had found myself clutched tightly into my brother Masons chest on the floor.  I had sobbed and wept into Masons chest and all he did was hold me until I finally  managed to get a grip on my emotions.

Darcy, my best friend who doubled as my maid of honour was no ordinary person. She cared for me like her own even though we were practically the same age. She was my eyes and ears where I couldn't be and, I ,for her.

She told me that she was leaving her hotel room yesterday and saw my sister Taphy leaving Luke's hotel room. I was stunned as she explained that her lipstick was smudged and she had sex hair. I was fuming. Darcy also told me that she followed Taphy down to the lobby of the hotel where Luke was staying and watched her get into a cab shortly after checking out.

During that time, Taphy had left her phone at the reception and Darcy had managed to swipe it.  After my sobbing session with Mason, Darcy had come barging in hysterically spewing apologies for not getting there sooner.

She then proceeded to open Taphy's phone and uncover to both Mason and I, all the lying and scheming that Luke and Taphy had done behind my back.

How cruel. Maybe this is why Luke had started questioning whether or not I still wanted to get married these past few weeks. He didn't love me anymore. He wanted Taphy. Maybe he loved her now and that's why he had been distant. I had brushed it off as it being wedding jitters but now.....its clear that it wasn't wedding jitters.

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