Becoming Part One

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Our story opens above a canal in the early morning, the sun just beginning to peak over the horizon as the early morning radio-show host begins to speak.

"Good morning, Arcadia Oaks. It's 4:30 A.M. If your still in bed, you are missing the most beau~tiful sunrise, clear skies and a beautiful morning ahead. And big news..."

We see a bridge come into view as a car drives across. Fog has gathered below the bridge, and as the radio host's voice gets dimmer, a cup slowly rolls back and forth across the concrete below. It is suddenly crushed by a massive stone foot as a roar echos across the canal.

Two stone creatures are battling it out beneath the foggy bridge. One is a massive brute, his skin is made of black stone. What looks like ram horns line his face, hiding his glowing yellow-red eyes in shadow. The other is clad in silver armor, a glowing amulet in the left of his breastplate. A long silver sword is held in his hands as he faces off the one in black.
They leap at each other as the one in silver armor parries the punch thrown at him. They spin and land as the one in armor lands on a knee and hangs on his sword. Both stop to catch their breath as the black one speaks in a deep and throaty voice.

"Yield, Kangigar."
The stone creature now known as kangigar responds with,
"A TrollHunter never yields."
He grabs his sword tighter and stands up.
"I'd rather die."
"Terms, accepted" the black one says with a smirk.
He yells as he leaps high into the air, bringing his fists together and dropping down, attempting to kill the TrollHunter. The TrollHunter rolls out of the way, brandishing his sword above him. The Black one throws a punch at the TrollHunter, who rolls again, and he blocks another two punches with his sword, before spinning in an attempt to slash the Black one, who jumps into a barrel roll above the sword. The Black one attempts to attack the TrollHunter while in the air, but the TrollHunter throws a punch at the Black one, knocking him back. The Black one yells in pain before skidding on across the concrete, away from the bridge. He groans as he raises himself up, finding a sword in his face. The TrollHunter, breathing heavily, tells the Black one what he told the TrollHunter earlier.

"Your turn Bular, yield." The TrollHunter glares at the now named Bular before he feels his shoulder burning as the sun's rays make contact. He gives a yell of pain before looking back at the rising sun. Bular uses this opportunity to back up and lift his legs to double kick Kangigar beneath the bridge. The TrollHunter hits the ground and skids, ending up just on the edge of the bridge's shadow, his sword landing in the sunlight. He looks at his sword fearful before looking back at the approaching Bular. He scrambles to his sword and grabs it, hissing in pain as his arm starts to burn and turn stone in the sunlight. He gets up and spins, pointing his sword at the slowly approaching Bular. He breathes heavily as the amulet's glow starts to wain, holding his left arm towards it before he looks back at Bular.

"There is nowhere left to run, TrollHunter. Give me the amulet!" Bular states, as he ambles towards Kangigar. The TrollHunter stares before sprinting to the right side of the canal, running up it's side as Bular gives chase. He leaps onto the supports under bridge, scaring some birds. He heaves himself up and holds his sword in a two-handed grip, turning to look for Bular, who has vanished. Bular growls and appears behind Kangigar, swinging from a pillar and dropkicking Kangigar into one of the supports. Bular stalks towards Kangigar as he gets up and wields his blade. Bular leaps and Kangigar backflips off the bridge and grabs the metal beams, hanging from them like a monkey bar. Bular swings down and gives chase as Kangigar swings away from Bular. Bular vanishes back into the upper bridge supports as Kangigar swings himself up, double twisting in the air and landing on his feet, brandishing his blade as he scans for Bular. Bular drops down from above and throws Kangigar to the edge of the bridge supports, his sword falling off the bridge and vanishing once it smashes into the concrete below. Bular leaps to the TrollHunter and they grab each others hands, keeping themselves at bay as Bular laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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