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(Cover picture :D)

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(Cover picture :D)


"Taehyun-ah! I gotta go!" Soobin's shouts, his voice filling the empty room. The bells from the place's door chimed as he opened it to leave.

"Oh- Okay!!" Taehyun shouted back. He was fully aware that he'd be closing for tonight, but he never once closed the place without anyone by his side. Especially without Soobin.

He listened as the door shut and the bells no longer chimed. Hurriedly, he made his way to clean up the counter and refill every bottle for the upcoming day. On his way to the storage room to grab the mop, the phone rang.

Taehyun ran for the phone. He picked it up in 10 seconds flat. "Hello?" He called out to the person on the other side.

Shuffling sounds could be heard. There was also a thud followed by grunting. Soon, a very familiar voice was heard through the line.

"Is zis.. a pizza place-sh?" The person asked, voice a bit slurred.

"Yes, that is correct." Taehyun replied. "Are you ordering?"

"Mhm.. yes pease. I wan a perperoni pizza with a loooooot of cheeeeeese. And pea-naples?" (Naples pronounced like Florida's Naples)



Taehyun chuckled to the other on the line. Was this person perhaps, drunk?

"Okay. Would this be delivered or pick up?"

"Dewivered. Thanks yousss!"

"And your number?"

"Ohs. Okayss! It's 313-205-2001! Did chu knoww, I got my numberr custom-i-za-did! They're very lovely numbers, I knows."

Taehyun chuckled a bit. "Sounds very lovely, indeed. May I know your order name?"

"B-gyuu! Is spelled like.. like... hmm.."


"Ye, das my name."

"Spelled, B-e-o-m-g-y-u."

"Ye ye! How you know how to spell my name?"

Taehyun sighed with another hardy chuckle. "Alrighty then, Beomie. I'll be there with your pizza soon." He then hung up on the other.

The blue haired boy then started on making this pizza for this special person.

Taehyun had just finished making the pizza and was ready to deliver. Being that it was now passed midnight, he decided to just close the pizza parlor and change out of his uniform. He also took his own car to deliver.

After all, it's only Beomgyu. His Beomgyu. :>

He silently drove his way down this rich, rich neighborhood. The very last house was his destination.

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