new kid

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Your pov:
As I sat on my bed, finishing up some homework I heard a car pulling up. I stood up and left my apartment, looking down from the balcony. Then I saw what the car was, it was the new people in apartment 20, so I stayed there for abit to see who they were. There was a boy, who looked about my age, and also who I assumed was his mom, and they were carrying their bags and boxes through the gate. I couldn't help but notice the boy looked pretty annoyed, and I was guessing it was because they probably had a long car ride here, as I'd never seen him around. I wanted to help them out with their stuff so I began walking down the steps.
"Hi, im y/n, do you want some help with your bags?" I ask the lady politely.
"Hi sweetie, that's very kind are you sure?" She answers giving me a soft smile.
"Of course, here let me help." She hands me a bag and I walk upstairs to place it at the step.
"Would you like me to take it inside?" I asked, as I didn't want to just walk in.
"Yeah that's fine, thank you." She smiled once again, then went back to the car to grab another box.

As I stepped out of the apartment the boy was there, carrying another one in.
"Uh, hi, it's y/n right?" He says smiling at me.
"Yeah, that's me, I'm helping your mom out with the boxes." I smile back at him. "What's your name?"
"I'm Daniel, Daniel Larusso." He smiles and places the box down in the apartment.
"Well, I'll see you around." I smile at him as I begin to walk to my apartment.
"Yeah.. see you around." As he says that he walks downstairs again and i noticed he was talking to Freddy.

*1 hour later*
I had just remembered it was the beach party tonight to mark the last day of summer, so I got dressed into my blue bikini with an overdress over the top, and began walking down the steps to Freddy's apartment.
As I got there I saw him and daniel talking and laughing, im sure I heard my name. "Hey Freddy, and Daniel." I smile.
"Oh, hey y/n! I invited Daniel to the beach party!" He says with a smile.
"Great, well we better get going then!"
I was glad Daniel was coming, because he was pretty cute. "No he's not!  I scolded myself.
We all began to walk to the beach.
"So Daniel, how are you liking California?" I ask him to start a conversation.
"Eh, it's okay I guess, the pools not really a hit though." He says with a little chuckle.
"Tell me about it, there used to be a pool I think.. but now it's just green water." I also chuckle.
We all laugh on the way to the beach and Freddy and Daniel go to play football.
"Hey y/n, is it okay if we play football?" Daniel asks running up to me.
"Yeah of course, im gonna go in the water anyway." I respond to him and head to the water.
"Cool.." he says, and when I turned back he was smiling at me, then I smiled back. Just then Freddy ran over and tackled the ball off Daniel and I laughed. I went to the water and stepped into it, so it covered my toes, so I went a little further in. As I was walking a little further in, I felt someone push me into the water, I turned around and it was Freddy.
"FREDDY!l I screamed. Daniel stood there not being able to control his laughter.
"What are you laughing at larusso?" I said with a mischievous grin, then I ran to him and pushed him in the water, and as I did, he dragged me back down too, which made us burst out into uncontrollable laughter, not being able to catch our breath.
"Y/n!" He tried to be mad but he just laughed again, and Freddy was now laughing with us, so I started splashing him.
As we finally started to catch our breath, i heard motorbikes rev up, and the smell of smoke made my cough. It was the stupid cobra Kai's. "Shit." I muttered.
Daniel turned to me, then Freddy spoke up.
"If your wondering who they are, they're the cobra kais. The biggest karate assholes ever."
"Karate?" Daniel asked.
"That's right, and the king cobra is Johnny, who y/n used to dateee." He teased me.
Daniels expression changed, maybe its because he knows Johnnys an asshole and maybe he thinks I'm one too.
"Freddy that was weeks ago, he's a complete asshole. Don't you remember he left me for Ali?" I say starting to get annoyed when I saw him walking over.
"Ali mills? Damn." Freddy says.
Johnny makes his way over to us.
"Y/n, i wanna talk." He says looking into my eyes.
"Well I don't, so leave us alone." I say, infuriated.
"Don't be so difficult, and come talk to me."
We were now sat on the beach towels, with Johnny kneeling down in front us.
"Johnny, we're not talking leave me alone!"
He grabs my hand. "Cmon baby let's talk." He repeats.
"Hey man she told you to leave her alone." Daniel says confidently but also with a hint of fear.
"What'd you say to me?" He says, now looking at Daniel angrily.
"Just back off her." Daniel says, he's also angry now.
"And what if I don't?"
This makes Daniel stand up.
"Daniel, don't please, it's fine honestly!"
He ignored me and then Johnny pushed him.
"Johnny stop it!" I screamed, but he also ignored me.
Daniel went to punch him but he blocked it and pushed daniel to the floor again.
Daniel, angrily sat up, then when Johnny turned around he punched him in the nose.
"Oh you've asked for it." I heard Johnny say.
"JOHNNY STOP IT!" I screamed, and Freddy just helped me stand up.
Johnny punched daniel in the nose, and kicked him down. He was now bleeding. Johnny wiped his nose from the blood and kicked him in the face. Johnny and his cobra kais all ran to their motorbikes and sped off. Freddy and his friends went and flipped all of them off, and then went home, and Freddy went to grab everything from the beach. I ran up to daniel a tear rolling down my face.
"Daniel, Daniel are you okay, im so sorry I should've just talked to him!" I said, kneeling down to him.
"It's okay, I-im fine." He replied, letting out a painful gasp.
"No your not, come on let me help!" I said crying a little again.
"No, just leave me alone!" He said, sounding angry.
"O-oh, okay."
He stayed silent and me and Freddy began walking back.
"Freddy, go back to the apartments, im not leaving daniel here I'm going to get him." I said running back to daniel.
"Daniel im getting you home come on."
It  looked like he'd given up on trying to get me to leave him so I gently helped him up and put his arm round my shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry for shouting at you, I didn't want to seem weak." He said sadly.
"Hey hey, it's okay." I smiled at him and he attempted to smile back too.
We reached the apartments and I helped him up the stairs.
"God my moms gonna go crazy." He says chuckling weakly.
"Don't worry, it's not too late right now so come to my apartment and I'll clean you up." I say walking him to my apartment.
"A-are you sure?" He says sympathetically.
"Of course." I bring him into my apartment and sit him on the couch, while I grab the first aid kit. Once I've grabbed it I run and sit down next to him. "Ooh your eye.." I say touching it as he flinched. "It looks worse than it feels I guess." He shrugs.
I grab a wipe and wipe his cuts, and our faces are really close together.
"I- thank you. Y/n" he smiles at me.
"No problem." I say smiling.
"I, better get going, my moms gonna kill me."
"I-I mean you could stay here if you wanted?"
I ask him, hoping he will accept as I asked it abit randomly.
"I mean- are you sure?" He says looking into my eyes, wow, his eyes are so pretty. I'd never realised.
"Yea, of course." I say smiling.
"I can take the couch?" He asks, "If that's okay with you?"
"Yeah sure, ill grab some pillows in a sec."
"Y/n, thanks for today, youve made it better here already."
I smile, then I lean in and hug him, and he hugged me back. We began talking for ages, until I got sleepy, so I rested my head on his shoulder, and he smiled.
"Am I comfy?" He says cockily with a chuckle.
"Yeah you are actually, you don't mind right?" I ask, hoping he doesn't mind.
"Of course not."
We begin talking about random things again, until we both asleep on the couch together...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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glad I met you// 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑒𝑙 𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑜 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now