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The episode starts with Ajaceare leaning on a boulder, she looks to the sky and sees Cyan fly by, "Phew. That was a close one." Ajaceare said, "Boss. You won't believe what I've witnessed.", "The Cyan hero must have matured.", a glimpse of Dub is shown on screen.

"I can see that." Dub said, then the scene is switched to show Dub beside a tree (much smaller than I expected), "I already have an idea." Dub said, "Just keep collecting the pieces.", "You got it Boss." Ajaceare said as she saluted, then she blasted into the sky.

'Well. Since I got notified of Cubics data isn't in the Caretaker of the Cyan tree.' Dub thought as he looked himself in a corrupted river, 'I'll just duplicate him since I have what's left of his data. He'll take care of the others.', 'And take care of Cyan.'

Dub used his corrupted triangle piece to revive Cubic, whom got out of the water.

The scene starts above the canopy with corrupted trees swaying with the wind, "Here's a map Cintagon gave me when they left." Pentellow said, "Hmm. Well it seems like Paradise has changed over the years." Pyrare said, "We could find the next group in the morning.", "For now. We should get some sleep.", "Sleep..!?" Cube exclaimed.

"But..Cyan.." Cube said, then Tsavorite flew up to him, "Don't not worry Cube! I will go find him! I matured!" Tsavorite said, "Oh right. Matured Heroes can find each other." Pyrare said as he scratched the back of his head, "Yes! So you can all go to sleep! Sweet dreams!" Tsavorite exclaimed flying out of the shack.

Then Tsavorite dashed somewhere into the forest, the view changed back into the shack with Cube sitting worridly and Y/N sitting in the back, "It'll be alright Cube. I'm sure Tsavorite can find Cyan." They said.

Cube took one look at Y/N and then looked away, "I hope..." Cube said while Y/N had an ":/" expression on, the scene switched back to above the canopy with Tsavorite dashing over it, Tsavorite landed in a part of the forest and dashed off again, "I can sense him nearby!" Tsavorite exclaimed.

"Oh! I see him! CYAN!" Tsavorite exclaimed waving at Cyan, Cyan looked at Tsavorite; annoyed, his frown deepened as Tsavorite landed, "Do not get in my way! I know she came this way!" Cyan exclaimed as he turned around, "She? You mean that monster shape Cintagon mentioned?" Tsavorite asked, "SHE TRIED TO KILL CUBE. Y/N. H/N. IRIS. CINTAGON. AND ME! Cyan yelled.

"That's unfortunate. But it's late and Cube is worried about you!" Tsavorite said as he held Cyan's shoulder, "Cube. Y/N. And Iris got hurt trying to stop you!" Tsavorite exclaimed, "Cube..Got hurt?" Cyan sadly asked, Tsavorite just nodded, then Cyan turned back to his 2nd form, "Where's that little idiot?" Dub's voice said as Tsavorite's eyes widened.

"Eek! Let us get out of here!" Tsavorite said as he dragged Cyan along, the scene switched back to the shack, Cube, Y/N, Pyrare, H/N, Orange, and Gold were sleeping with Y/N sleeping with H/N by their side and Orange and Gold sleeping on Cube's forehead "Are you still awake Lemon Pie?" Iris asked, then Y/N woke up.

"Yeah. I didn't even sleep yet." Pentellow replied, "You know. I had this thought in mind the moment I saw Cintagon." Iris said,  "When we were kids. I asked you about your family.", "And...You never tell me about them.", "I...I really can't Iris." Pentellow sadly said, "I don't know anything about them. Your family took me in when I was homeless." Pentellow said as Iris sat up, "Hmm..." Iris said, then he got up and got off the bed.

- 𝐓𝐏𝐂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 - [HIATUS LIFTED]Where stories live. Discover now