Chapter 1: Baby Jason??

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Thalia flashback

"we'll see you guys in 2 weeks!" I called, "I'll miss you, have fun" Piper said kissing Jason, "I will, nothing better than spending quality with Thals" he laughed before giving her quick hug, I tapped my foot as I leaned on the caravan, "you coming?" I called, he nodded, I opened the door an we climbed in, I climbed into the driver's seat as he got in. "Bye!" We called to our friends as we hit the road.

Present time,

We pulled up outside a nice cabin in the cool resort, It was pretty late. "We're here" I said unbuckling my seat belt, I looked back and saw Jason was fast asleep on the sofa, I laughed softly. I wanted to scare him but decided to wake him up gently, I crept over and knelt down next to him, "hey Jason, we're here" I said softly looking at my little 18 year old brother. He stirred and looked up at me, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, "thanks Thals" he said, I laughed and pulled him to his feet and he stretched, "do me a favour and get the bags?" I asked, he smiled, "sure" he said picking up the two suitcases.

Iopened the door and was happy at the sight, we had a cozy looking wood cabin with a porch and everything, there was a lake a little while off down a steepish hill and woods behind, there were shops and restaurants about a mile down the dirt track. "Looks nice" Jason said shrugging, the key was in the door, I unlocked it and opened the door, on the inside it was totally awesome, there was electricity and power and everything. It was all in one place except from the bathroom and bedrooms which I assume we're behind the doors down a thin corridor. There was a little kitchen to the left with a half fridge, a oven and a sink and a single counter. Next to it there was a corner sofa and a mini table in forget and on the opposite side was a TV on a stand with a DVD player and everything. "Whoa" I said, we walked in and inspected the place it was really nice.

Jason put the bags on the sofa. I opened one of the doors, in there was a single bed, a shelf above, a built in wardrobe, a dresser and a mirror, it was all very compact. Jason checked out his room next door. I opened the bathroom door, it was pretty small, there was a toilet one side and the sink in front of it with a medicine cabinet above. There was a note on the mirror of the medicine cabinet reading, "wash in the lake". "Not too bad" I said, "nah, pretty good" he replied. I looked out the window in the narrow corridor, it was starting to get dark already, "want to grab some food?" Asked Jason, "yeah alright,I'm starving" I said tapping my pocket where o had some mortal money.

We walked down the dirt path messing around, "who do you reckons stronger me or you?" He asked with a smirk, "me of course" I said with a snort, "nah, look at these muscles!" He said flexing his arms, I squinted, "where?" I joked, he rolled his eyes, we walked for a minute in comfortable silence before he gave me a nudge, I stumbled a few steps, he snickered, I waited about 30 seconds and then gave him a slightly harder nudge, he fell onto the side bush. I laughed as he jumped up red in the face, "haha who's stronger now hero?" I mocked, "you and me right here right now" he said pulling out his coin, I pulled out a hatchet from the backpack I always have. He slammed his sword now transformed against it, I knocked it off and hit him with the hilt.

We play fight for a bit then continued down to civilisation. What we didn't know is we were being watched, I heard a snap behind us. "Jason" I whispered, he stopped talking and looked at me, I held up my finger and we stopped, I held my finger to my lips and listened, I didn't hear anything but I pulled out my phone and watched behind us. "Get your sword" I mouthed, he nodded, I pulled a dagger form my pocket, and held up my fingers, 3,2,1 and then we turned and charged. It was Dr Thorn, "well well demigods" he said flinging spikes at us we were thrown to the ground but unharmed, "you again" I spat, "wait.. You know this manticore?" Jason asked trying to detach the spike from the ground, "we go back" I said sourly glaring at him, in one quick movement I was up leaving a bit of my leather jacket behind, Jason rose next to me our weapons ready, I swapped the dagger for my spear quickly. "What do you want?" I snarled, "isn't obvious, I want the son of Zeus" he said casually holding up his hands, I opened my palm lightning sparked from it, I touched the tip of my spear and it buzzed with electricity. "You think I'm going to give you my little brother?" I laughed, "no" he said, Jason watched me, ready for command, I held my hand behind my back and shot a spark at him, he got the message and we charged.

I stabbed his stomach with my spear, it didn't pierce him but tased him, Jason tried stabbing at his tail but it didn't do any damage. Dr Thorn fell momentarily from the electricity but shook it off and roared, he knocked Jason aside with his paw, he fell and hit a rock, he was dazed. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY BROTHER" I screamed stabbing at his stomach again, his weak spot was there somewhere. He stumbled but was unharmed, Jason tried sneaking up to him from behind but he launched a spike at his stomach, it hit and he fell back, "Jason!!" I shouted, I looked away for a second but was startled when I heard crying, I looked back and there was a... Baby Jason?!?

He cried louder as Dr Thorn roared again, "what?!? I thought there was poison on your spikes!!" I said confused stabbing at him again, "I found a new formula" grinned Dr Thorn, "well I give up then" I said stopping and dropping my spear, he stared at me, "really?" He asked, I nodded, he turned to Jason but then I picked up my spear and launched it at his heart, he exploded onto yellow dust, some floating on to baby Jason. He sneezed.

I ran over to him he was silent now his cheeks still had tears rolling down them, I wiped his eyes and picked him up. I don't really know what to do now. He giggled as I held him at arms length, his normal Jason clothes were on the floor and I held a naked baby Jason. "What do I do? You're naked!!" I said, he cocked his head looking at me, "alright one second" I sighed, I placed him on the ground, I picked up his shirt and wrapped it around Jason transforming it into a temporary nappy.

I groaned as I stuffed his boxers into my bag and picked up his jeans too and tied the legs around my torso, I sat Jason on the crotch bit supporting him from underneath. "Right lets get you some real nappies and stuff" I sighed, I walked to the convenience store and picked up some nappies, baby food and an elephant teddy to keep Jason occupied. "I still need food..." I said to myself, I gave Jason the toy, he laughed clapping his tiny hands and taking it from me.

I shrugged and walked into the nearest restaurant, I sat at a table and got Jason a highchair. I ordered food and then opened up a pot of baby food and started feeding Jason, he ate happily gurgling away to himself. I remember Jason was always such a happy baby, he's cute too. Then Jason entertained himself with his elephant as I ate. I just paid when Jason burst into tears, everyone around me stared at me, I chuckled nervously and looked at Jason, "what do you want? You've had food, are you tired?" I said, I picked him up and started rocking him in my arms, "rock a by Jason, in my arms, please fall asleep, you're making a scene, umm.. Da da da, da da da, da da da, da da, da da da da da" I sung, he didn't fall asleep, "oh you want milk?" I asked he whined "ok" come on. I said standing up grabbing my bag and carrying him to a Morrison's next door.

I got him a bottle, some baby milk, some little baby clothes, some more baby toys and a pram. I payed for it and placed him inside with his toys and wheeled him outside, I read the instructions on the milk, "umm ok, Jason please stop crying, I'll get you milk we just need to get back" I told him, he kept crying. I wheeled him to our cabin as fast as I could. I made him up some milk and put the bottle in his mouth, I picked him up with one arm holding the bottle with the other and walked over to the sink, and held the bottle with my chin as I dug out a drachma from my pocket.

I turned on the tap and let the last bit of sunshine on it, I threw the drachma through the water and said. "O Iris, please show me Piper". She appeared on a floating screen, "hey Thalia! Having fun?" She asked with a smile, she sat in her cabin reading, "uhh kinda" I said trying to sneak a look at Jason who still was drinking his bottle milk. "What's happened? Where's Jason?" She asked her eyes widening, "he's fine, kinda... About that, he's kinda a baby" I said taking the bottle out his mouth. "Wait what?!?" Said Piper he brow furrowing, "yeah, I'm not joking look" I said holding Jason with both hands in front of her. "How the Hades did my boyfriend turn into a baby?!?" She asked, "we kinda ran into a monster who turned him like this" I said I held Jason close to my chest and bobbed him up and down gently in my arms, "he's kinda cute" laughed Piper, I smiled, it's kinda nice to have baby Jason back since I ran away when he was a bit older" I said, "well you've got to get back here so we can help him!" Said Piper, "no I can't, Jason can't travel" I said, "why not?" She asked hands on her hips, "because baby Jason throws up when he travels" I said grimacing, "what will you do, I can't date a baby!" Cried Piper, "I'll figure something out" I said, "please do" she said before disappearing. I got Jason changed into some pyjamas and put him in a makeshift crib, "goodnight, I'll change you back soon hopefully" I whispered kissing his forehead before going to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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