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Layla's POV

Everyone was hurting after an awful mission. The mission included a lot of falling, stopping hard in the cars, and slamming into things.

"Ugh, I'm going home."

Echo complained and left without another word. Frostee's mom came and picked him up a few minutes later and Cisco left after he made a snack and ate it. The only ones left in the garage now were Tony and Layla. 

Layla thankfully didn't experience much of the painful things, but Tony sure did. Layla couldn't even count how many times he fell hard onto the ground or how many times someone slammed Tony into a wall.

Layla was walking around the garage, drinking a soda when she heard a pained groan. She walked over to the couches and found Tony lying on his stomach on one of the couches. Layla noticed an ice pack on Tony's back as she walked up. She sat down on the table in front of the couch and observed Tony.


Tony growled as he looked at Layla out of the corner of his eye. She hadn't even done anything yet and Tony was already getting snippy.

"If you're here to make fun of me, then don't and leave me be."

Tony snapped before Layla could even answer. It sorta hurt her that he would think she would make fun of him even though he's in pain. 

"Why would you think that I would make fun of you?"

"Because that's what you do whenever I complain about hurting something."

Tony mumbled into the arm of the couch. He had his left arm draped over the arm of the couch while the other was hanging off the side. 

"Yeah, but I wouldn't make fun of you when I know you're hurting pretty bad."

Layla stated as she looked over Tony again. He rolled his eyes at her then closed them. Layla thought about it for a moment before she got up and stood over Tony.

"What now?"

Tony mumbled, not even opening his eyes as he sensed Layla's presence next to him. Layla didn't pay attention to his question as she took the ice pack off his back.

"What are you up to?"

Tony asked, opening his eyes and turning his head to look at Layla. She gave him a smile as she gently placed her hands on his back.

"Just stay still. This should help."

Tony opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but Layla pushed onto his back before he could respond. Tony groaned and buried his face into the couch cushion. Layla ran her finger over his spine before she used her palms and pressed hard on a spot. Several pops and cracks could be heard from the single press.

Tony tried rolling over to make Layla stop, but she kept him still as she went up his spine. She pressed hard on his mid-back, more pops and cracks being heard. Tony groaned and glared at her. Layla smirked at him as she pushed on his back again. His eyes fluttered as giant pop came from his upper-back.

Layla ran a finger down his spine till she got to his waist then put her hands almost underneath his neck.


Layla wasn't sure what Tony was about to say as she pressed against the spot. She tried to put her weight into the push as another giant pop and few other small pops and cracks came from his spine. Tony sighed in relief and relaxed. 

"Oh my God. That feels so much better."

Layla ran her hand along Tony's back to check for any tension. He winced when she went over an area away from his spine. Layla raised an eyebrow and decided to check. Layla grabbed the bottom of Tony's shirt and lifted it up. She was shocked at how much bruising covered his back.

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