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"Wake up Nax! It's not over yet! Wake up!"

       The voice echoed in Nax's mind. She floats aimlessly inside her resting chamber. She groans silently as she slowly opens her eyes. It would have been dark all around her if it wasn't for all the warning lights blinking non-stop on the monitor. She turns around and with one of her vines coming from her head she pulls herself towards the monitor. She grips on the handles and rubs her eyes. After managing to focus on the various warnings on the monitor she manages to figure out what was wrong. She was low on oxygen. Terrible. She presses a button on the monitor and the gravity inside her chamber gets fixed letting her step down and walk on the ground. She stretches, feeling al of her muscles straining for not moving for too long. She opens a stellar map. The hologram shifts towards her as she pinches and moves the map around. "Port...port...ah 'Astronimical Port of Lumix'. Do i have enough fuel?" She asks herself as she moves her finger around the monitor. She checks the engine's tank. 60%. "That's enough i think.." she tilts her head and makes a few and fast calculations. "Yeeah it's enough it's enough" she shrugs off the feeling of weirdness she had on her mind and turns on the engine. She types the coordinates and turns down the lever for start the ship. With a buzzing sound the ship starts navigating towards the set coordinates. Nax looks around yawning. She had a strange feeling, but she decides to pay no mind to it. She walks to a small door and crouches down a bit passing through the small door that automatically opens. After making some steps foward she opens manually another door. The room behind that door was much more clean than her resting chamber. She goes in front of a smal mirror and looks at herself, her green skin looked too opaque for her liking. She must have slept too long. Her eyes looked dull almost, her yellow spark was almost gone. She looks at the vines on her head. She must have slept in her plant form. She yawns and stretches. Her green skin slowly turns into a purple skin and her vines turn into platinum long hair. This was a particular thing of herself. She is a shape shifter. A rare type of alien, but not just any shape shifter. She was a golden shape shifter. On her planet she was the 1 in a billion rare cases. There is just a small group like her. Well, there was. Her planet no longer exists. Her ability was much greater if put against other type of shape shift specie.s She rubs her face and flicks a switch next to the mirror. From the ground of the room emerges a bubble. She turns towards it and let's herself fall inside the bubble. From outside the bubble looked like a normal soap bubble. In reality it was very durable. It was an old tech shower. As soon as she enters the bubble her clothes fade off of her. A gentle stream of water pours on her warming her body. She grabs a small container in which soap marbles were kept, she takes one and wets it under the stream. when the marble slowly melts, she starts washing her body with the soap coming from the marble. 

       After showering she steps out of the bubble and just like her clothes disappeared when she entered, new ones appeared. Feeling refreshed she looks in the mirror and smiles. Now her skin looked more shiny and the spark in her eyes slowly was coming back. She turns back and re-opens the manual door going through it. She walks slowly through the hallway towards a circular door. "Open" she says right in front of it. The circular door opens and she steps inside. That room was her special place. There were pots and gardening tools all scattered on the floor. The walls were plastered with shelves. On top of them there were many flowers and plants in pots, each and one of those were planted and grown by her and her power. She saw flowers and general plants as her hobby and life. Many of those flowers were edible to eat. She snatches off some blue flowers. She munches them silently as a strand of her hair turns into a vine and moves swiftly towards the pot where she took off the flowers. A dimmed light comes from the artificial soil of the pot and new flowers bloom inside it. After she swallows the flowers she yawns sitting down. When she opens her mouth her fangs shows. They were 2 inches long and 1 inch wide. She usually used them in fights for "bite" her way out of difficult situations. Suddenly a blue light lits up behind one of the pots. She gets up excited and runs out of the room. She sprints down the corridor and the last door of the corridor opens. It's a lounge room with a big circular window that allowed her to look outside of the ship. She presses her face on the window and gasps looking at the multicolor planet that she is approching. She's always excited to travel to new planets. But some things were prior to others. She needed new oxygen tanks for her ship, some food, new clothes and most importantly fuel and some local plants and seeds to grow. This was yet another new journey for her.

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