**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝐷𝐼𝐴𝐺𝑂𝑁 𝐴𝐿𝐿𝐸𝑌 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* ✅

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I woke up at 6:45 which was enough time for me to get dressed and study about Proteus by 7:15. I got dressed in a black dress and my black Mary Jane's then I went to wake up Elesebeth, I had to hurry so that I could study Proteus. After I woke up I went to the library to see what information I could find about Proteus. To my luck, there was a book on uncommon magical creatures I read through hundreds of pages until I saw a picture of a cat that looked exactly like Proeteus.

The Cattus Verspellis more commonly known as Catta is a creature That can shapeshift from its original form similar to the American Bombay cat into any animal in existence whether magical or muggle. Most Cattas are found in Sutton, Wembley, and London, Borough of Islington. They are most commonly omnivores if not herbivores; they would most likely consume berries, nuts, beef, batwing, slugs, and chocolate; they also can go up to 2 weeks without eating. The catta is one of the most intelligent breed of magical animals. The ministry has classified the catta as Beast classification XXX due to its shapeshifting ability which makes it challenging to find and capture while easy to domesticate with this when a catta forms a bond with a person they develop a white or grey patch in their fur.

"Huh, this is very helpful.''

 I walked towards my room from the library only to be stopped by my sister. 

"Yes, Elie," I said to her impatiently. I knew I had to get to Proteus. I knew he had 2 weeks but who knows when he last ate. 

" Where are you going, sis ?" Elie said in an annoyingly sweet voice 

"To my room ... BYE!" Then I ran to my room while closing the door to my room as quietly as I could. I grabbed my purse to hold numerous items and grabbed Proeteus and he shifted into a small niffler so he could fit in my purse then I heard a knock on my door.

 "Mille has been asked to tell Mistress Fawley that the Malfoys are here. " Our house elf said meekly as I opened the door 

"Thank you, Mille." I hurried down the stairs to find Draco and Aunt Cissy waiting at the door 

"Good morning Aunt Narcissa,  Draco" I said courtly

"Good morning dear I heard me and Draco will be taking you to Diagon Alley" Mrs Malfoy said affluently "

Let's skip the casualties shall we Narcissa I know you weren't raised in foolishness." my father uttered stiffly like the stick in the mud he is.

 "O-of course" she clears her throat

 " Come along now children.'' she grabbed mine and Draco's hand we apprated to Diagon Alley.

When we arrived I felt queasy i made a mental note to check on Proteus when I got time but then I actually took in the beauty of Diagon Alley i was in shock of how magical it tooled 

"You two can go to Ollivanders and get your wands then get a pet then meet me at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour okay!"

 " but don't we have to go to the vaults to get money to pay?" I asked timidly.

 "Of course dear, let's first head to Gringotts." As we walked I saw a large man with a beard who looked to be a giant 

" Geez, mae hynny'n un dyn mawr." (geez that's one big man) (it's supposed to be Welsh I don't know if it is correct I used a translator) when we walked into Gringotts I saw um I'm not sure what they were but they looked annoyed oh I hoped it wasn't us 

" Hello I would like to open the vaults of Charlotte Fawley and Draco Malfoy'' Aunt Cissa said.

 "Does Ms. Fawley and Mr Malfoy have their keys?" The creature said in a stern tone

 " Yes we have them" Draco and I both said as we handed him our keys. The creature inspected them and said

 " All seems to be in order. Marty! Get the cart and take these people to vaults 207 and 688. NOW!" As we walked we stopped near a cart I looked at Cissa

" Is this safe?' I asked as we got in 

"Well my dear-" and we dropped. I assumed we were going to Draco's vault because it was closer but we stopped at my vault first. When we stopped I saw a lanky boy with black hair and emerald green eyes. As I watched him go to his vault I waved politely to him to not be seen as creepy and he waved back. In all honesty, I hoped to see him again to introduce myself when we walked in unexpectedly there were heaps of galleons. Of course, I knew that it was only my trust fund. My aunt handed me a pouch to put my coins in.

After we had gone to get our robes, books, supplies, and pets, me and Draco both got owls. Although I already have Proteus I needed some way to deliver letters. I was not going to walk to the owlery at early dawn to get a good owl. We then headed to Ollivanders to get our wands Draco got his then it was my turn my wand was made of Alderwood with a phoenix feather core it was 12 ½ inches and had slightly springy flexibility (A/N: fun fact this is my wand type)

When we finished the trip as promised we went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. After we finished the sweet treat i sadly had to go home since it was nearing 7:00 as we apperatd back my father told me to go to my room to freshen up for dinner I said goodbye to Cissa and Draco and went to get washed up after that we had the normal silent dinner and me and Elebeth were told to go to bed once again i first made sure that my sister was safe and asleep even though she is and can be a brat she is my sister and I love her after i went to my room and i got packed my trunk for hogwarts and checked on Proteus i gave him some berries from dinner.

i knew that he would need something to sleep in a hogwart but i concluded that if he had stuck with the cat then most people and my dormmates wouldn't be very bothered even tho i already know that my dorm mates will be Liani and Lysandra since our parents paid (and probably threatened) dumbledore to have us roomed together no matter what house we were in. i had finally fined packing and got ready for bed as i laid down i had great dreams of getting away from this wretched nightmare home well my reched nightmare father.

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