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A/n: I have this like, book in my drafts rn that idk if I wanna upload or not ☠️.

Alsoosos, I won't be able to bring in Chigiri x Isagi this chap, bc that's a bit of a challenge, I'll make a chapter abt them soon, promise 🫶.

Also, sorry for not publishing, I've been busy recently 😰.








"What was your name again?" Hyo asked staring at the girl.

"Haven. My name is Haven." Haven replied to him as Reo just carried on texting Nagi and Isagi trying to find out where they are.

"Haven? That's a unique name." Hyo nodded.

"Thanks I guess...?" She tilted her head slightly confused, but shook it off nonetheless.

"I'm Hyo! This is my friend Reo." Hyo introduced as Reo looked up from his phone and waved.

"Cool." Haven said.

"Isagi and Nagi said they're by a milktea store, you have any idea where that is Hyo?" Reo asked.

"Nope." Hyo shrugged.

"I do." Haven said placing her hands in her pocket.

"Oh? Could you please lead us there?" Hyo asked as Haven looked up at him.

"Uh...sure I guess." Haven said and began leading the way for them.

"Isn't she from our school?" Reo whispered to Hyo.

"Yeah, pretty sure she's one of the top students." Hyo whispered back.

"I can hear you guys." Haven sighed.










"How did we even lose them." Isagi sighed.

"What a hassle." Nagi groaned as he laid down on one of the couches in the mall.

Isagi and Nagi waited around for 6 minutes before deciding to go into the milk tea store because Nagi wanted some. Isagi was going to pay but Nagi stopped him and brought it himself.

They then walked out and Nagi was about to sit back down before somebody walking by had bumped into Isagi almost making Isagi bump into Nagi.

"Oh, Isagi are you okay?" Nagi asked as he looked at Isagi who nodded.

"Yeah." Isagi nodded as he looked back at the person who bumped into him, the same cherry coloured hair he had bumped into before, what was his name again?

"It's you again." Isagi mumbled.

"He looks oddly familiar to Itoshi." Nagi mumbled.

"Itoshi Rin?" The cherry hair asked.

"Yeah." Nagi nodded.

Isagi was trying to think back to what his name was, he remembered Rin saying it once when they had a small argument. He couldn't remember it for some reason.

"Are you Rin's boyfriend or something?" The cherry hair asked.

Isagi and Nagi both looked at each other.

"Absolutely not." Nagi said while Isagi just shook his head no.

"K then..." He responded bluntly.

"Ah, Isagi!! Nagi!!" They both heard a familiar voice call out to them.

"Isagi!" Hyo exclaimed and hugged him almost tackling him over.

"Hi Hyo." Isagi smiled a little and patted him on the head.

Meanwhile, Reo completely tackled Nagi over, Haven just awkwardly stood there wondering if she should leave now that they found each other.

Hyo looked at the cherry haired.

"Who's that?" Hyo asked as he let go of Isagi.

"Nobody." The cherry hair responded and walked away.

"His name is Itoshi Sae." Haven answered Hyo.

They all looked at Haven which made her slightly annoyed by the attention all on her.

"Who are you?" Nagi asked.

"Haven." She said and looked away.

"Oh, you're that girl Hyo bumped into aren't you?" Isagi asked.

Haven looked at Isagi nodding.

"Is she joining us..or?" Nagi asked confused.

The rest all shrugged.

"I'll just...go then." Haven said awkwardly.

"Are you hanging out with anyone?" Hyo said before Haven could walk off.

"No." Haven responded.

"Oh, come with us then!" Hyo said.

"Yeah." Reo nodded and finally got off Nagi helping him up.

"Alright then..." Haven nodded still feeling a bit uncomfortable but she had hope in the fact she would grow comfortable around them.

"Can we get food now, I'm hungry." Hyo said.

"Yeah." Nagi nodded in agreement.











A/n: I have not had motivation to write at all, I'm sorry 😭.

But tysm for 400 followers?!??##?!?

Also for the current reads on this book, holy 😭.

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