Hey! I am going to write some character descriptions here, please comment on them! I might use them in my story's aswel.
Character Descriptions
When he walks in, the room grows smaller. His massive hands are clenched into fists. Hulking muscular arms have Tattoos spirslling down. The room grows tense and I shrink into my seat. The Genral's voice booms across the audotirium. - The General
The scrawny teen looks around hurriedly, as if someone is after him. A light brown package is clutched in his hands, carrying a hefty object. His stubble is lightly scattered around his jaw, and blooshot eyes show a stressful and sleepless night. - Troubled Teen
Her petite frame bounces into the library. The young womans hair is a lgiht brown, and is in springy curls, wild and all over the place, like herself. she pulls off a pink, wollen beanie, and shakes the snow off her jacket. Her gorgeus eyes search the room, and light up as she see her best friend, who is sitting at a table, quitley working away. Although lively, her walk is graceful. a smile plays on her lips, as she sits down beside the other girl, who doesnt reliese until she slaps her bag down on the table. - Young Woman
Help me think of celebrities who would play these characters! Pls Comment!