CH3: Mr.....Jackson?!?!

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The security came and said,"Ladies and Gentlemen,Please don't scream just please Be Respectful and quietly 'Cause your New teacher is VERY VERY famous,and your lucky to have him on this school,so please Just be quiet ;)" I was Like In silence and I said to myself,"OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ITS NOT MICHAEL...if it is,I'm gonna Faint,Maybe" Then The class Including Me see a 5'9 ft tall man with a Fedora,White socks,Black Loafers,and a Nice sleek Shirt. "OH GOD,he is soooo Handsome,But is it really Michael Jackson?" I said to myself. He took of his Fedora. "OMG it is Him...He look like from the Dangerous Era!!! Bell,Do not FAINT! I know this is 2015 but he is SOOO Handsome!!! I hope I become one of his Friends one day." I said to myself again. Next,He said,"Good Morning Young Beautiful ladies and Handsome Gentlemen,My name is Michael Jackson,But please call me Mr.Jackson and it's a Nice pleasure to meet all of you,LET MAKE THIS YEAR AWSOME what about that?!" OMG his Sweet loving Voice!! It's an ANGEL voice,This can't be REAL!!! I pinched myself and it is was Michael!!! He Randomly said,"Today we are going to Present ourself and Take a mini Survey,Yea,I know pretty easy Huh *Smiles and Laughs" He is just perfect Especially In front of me cause I'm Close to his desk,so. I also can't wait for Drama,Cause I have him Twice. "Let's Start with the Survey,Shall we? Okay I'm gonna Pass them around to each one of you students :)...."He Said. I'm gonna touch the paper he is gonna hand me!!! Oh god...He is getting the papers!!!

Michael Jackson,The New TeacherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora