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The episode starts out with Squadril launching a spell into the sky, "It all started when my group came across a corrupted flower in the forest!" Squadril exclaimed, the spell that Squadril cast blasted into Marcle, Purpex, and Squadril facing a corrupted flower with shocked expressions, "Luckily a caretaker named Pyrare helped us escape from our corrupted leader!" Squadril exclaimed, the spell soon faded out, just to be replaced by another spell that blasted into a picture of Pyrare and Gold fighting Purpex with Marcle and Squadril behind him.

"As we came back to Poly Village. We were stopped by four Caretakers!" Squadril exclaimed, the previous spell faded out too, and another spell was shot into the sky; it blasted into a image of Cube, Y/N, Iris, and Pentellow with their Heroes by their sides in front of Marcle and Squadril, "We informed them about our situation as they were on a task to look for Pyrare!" Squadril exclaimed, the image faded out and two other spell blasted into a picture of them, the first blast making a picture of Marcle and Squadril telling them about their group's piece and Iris, Y/N, Cube, and Pentellow - telling them about Pyrare, the second blast created a small particle of triangles.

The view switched to below the sky, "Did...Did we ever introduce our names to them..?" Cube asked, "Uh...No." Y/N replied, the view changes back to Squadril; casting another spell, "Lastly. They've found each other and went off to help save us all!" Squadril exclaimed, "Now! With our own eyes! Let's give all the Caretakers and Heroes a hand!" Squadril said pointing to the Caretakers and Heroes in the crowd, the crowd other than the Caretakers and Heroes applaud for the group, after that the crowd bursts into conversations of their down; "Hey. Purpex?" Pentellow called to Purpex, "Can I talk to you about something?", "Oh. Uh. Sure! What's on your mind?" Purpex asked, "It's about your little cousin. What was she like?" Pentellow asked.

The view changed to Squadril, Marcle, Cube, Y/N, and Iris walking in a group; while Pentellow could be seen in a nearby house with Purpex in it, "I hope you're comfortable because this is a long story." Purpex said as the view changed to inside the house as Pentellow sipped on some tea, "If you think you're somewhat related to her then I should start from the beginning." "Her name is Quintagon."

The view changes to somewhere in the village with the group (except Pentellow) standing there, "Hey guys!" Pentellow exclaimed, the group changed their focus to Pentellow walking up to them, "Hey! Everything alright with you and Purpex?" Iris asked as the rest of the group walked up to her, "Yes. And I have something I should've said yesterday." Pentellow replied, "I've been wondering about my family ever since I was a kid.", "Purpex told me that I reminded her of her little cousin named Quintagon.", Pentellow then pulls out a picture of Purpex, Quintagon, and Hexagram infront of a forest, "This is a picture of her and her brother Hexagon with Purpex" Pentellow said.

The view changes to the rest of the group looking curiously at the photo,
Whaaao!" they said at the same time, "Doesn't she look similar to me!?" Pentellow exclaimed, "They're a group called Daminal Cannon!", "Hm. Anither set of green pieces to find." Pyrare said, "But where will we find these one pacifically..?" Cube asked, "Easy! It is that way!" Tsavorite suddenly exclaimed as he dashed above the canopy and pointed to the corrupted side of poly forest, "And how would you know that Green?" Orange asked as he dashed infront  of Tsavorite and pushed his hand away.

- 𝐓𝐏𝐂 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭 - [HIATUS LIFTED]Where stories live. Discover now