Five times Remus Lupin forgave Sirius Black and the one time he didn't (Part 1)

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1. The morning after the first full moon the Marauders had ventured into Hogsmeade, Remus woke up in the Hospital Wing with a dreadful headache.

He tried to sit up; his body refused to cooperate. This was the weakness that came with reigning in the ravenous desire for humans and blood after a transformation. Something he had not felt in over half a year--never, since his friends became Animagi and started accompanying him on full moons.

"Hello, Moony," came a subdued voice above his head.

Okay, if James sounded subdued, something terrible must have happened.

Remus remembered the thirst from human blood afresh, and a chill went down his spine. What had he done?

He sat up this time, ignoring the dizziness.

"Prongs--" He looked around frantically, to where James and Peter were sitting. "Prongs, what happened last night?"

"Nothing," said James quickly. "Nothing, Moony, don't worry--" He got Remus to lie down again. "We went to Hogsmeade, that's all--"

"Where's Sirius?" demanded Remus.

James and Peter both pursed their lips.

"What--" spelt out Remus, shaking. "--did he do to himself now?"

Sirius Black was always up to something reckless and ridiculous. Trying to reign in Sirius was like trying to tame a wild beast, and James and Remus had long since gave up trying.

"Nothing," said James, again. "He's just got a few scratches, we came across one of the shopowners of Hogsmeade, and Sirius had to transform into human form to scare him off, and--well, you--"

At that point, Remus noticed the blood in his fingernails.

He buried his head in his arms.

"Remus," squeaked Peter, putting an arm around him. "Nothing happened, you only scratched him a bit, James held you back--"

Gritting his teeth, Remus looked up again.

"Who the hell got the brilliant idea of him transforming into human form with a werewolf around?" he asked furiously.

James and Peter's silence answered, Sirius.

"And whose idea was it to go into Hogsmeade at all?" Remus' anger grew.

Silence again.

All the risky, crazy plans always belonged to one person.

'What's life without a few risks?' in fact, was Sirius' motto.

"Where is he?" demanded Remus. "Did he get Madam Pomfrey to look after his wounds at all?"

"Well, I did," said a very sheepish voice. "Look, Moony, I have scars to match yours now."

And Sirius emerged from behind James and Peter and offered Remus his arm. Faint, newly healed scars crisscrossed down it.

Anger and guilt battled inside Remus.

Anger that Sirius was joking after such a near-miss.

Anger that he had allowed this nonsense of Animagi at all. 

Anger that Sirius should have transformed into human form with a monster around.

Guilt that he was the monster.

Remus looked away from the scars, and found he could not say anything.

"Moony," said Sirius immediately, in a cajoling tone. "Sorry, I did not mean to joke. I mean, I did, but I should not have--"

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