Chapter 01

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"My name is Emily Waters. I have a 3 year old daughter, Maggie, my husband is Paul Waters. If you're seeing this video, it only means one thing; my family and I are in great danger! Help me! Help us!"

"This is the video recording recovered from the abandoned SUV found on Exit 29 this morning. The woman is Emily Waters. She has been reported missing for 5 days now together with her husband and child." That was Chief Inspector Roland Myers of the Special Unit on Missing Persons.

"What is interesting about this case is the mere fact that Emily Waters, for the last two months keep coming back to the police bureau to report a stalker," Chief Myers added. "A stalker?", Team Leader Evan Strong raised his pen. "Yes. A stalker. Mrs. Waters on her reports said that she saw the stalker in her house, in her child's school building, at the supermarket and even on her husband's car. But the officer in charge of the report disregarded it even if Mrs.Waters kept coming back everyday to report the same thing." "Uhmm, Chief! What was the ground for it not to be investigated further and be filed as a case?", Detective Carl Rogers asked.

"Simple. The police officer after doing some investigation found nothing suspicious. No trace of a stalker captured in the CCTV across the street of the Waters' house. The teacher of the child didn't notice anyone hovering near the child or anything suspicious for that matter, even the husband denied Mrs. Waters allegation of seeing someone in his car. He said that only Emily and their child rode on that car everyday", Chief said. "But why would Emily keep coming back to the police station to report it if nothing seems to be wrong?", Detective Claire O'Brien wondered.

"That's the strange thing there. But the strangest part happened one day before their disappearance. Emily Waters came to the station around 11:45pm, all soaked up, arms and knees were bleeding and she was badly bruised. She said she saw the stalker lurking near her gate while she is about to throw her garbage bag. She said she had enough of it and confronted the stalker. She told her stalker that she already reported the incidence to the authority. Mrs. Waters claimed that the stalker furiously beat her up and even chased her up to the police station. Furthermore, what surprises the police officer on duty that night is the result of the sketch that came out after Mrs. Waters profiled her stalker.

Take a look!" As Chief Myers pointed out to the projector. "Holy Shit!," there was a loud commotion in the room. All present in the meeting gasped in disbelief on what they saw.

"But that is the missing person! That is Mrs. Emily Waters!" exclaimed Detective O'Brien.

"Yes. At first glance. They look exactly the same. But Mrs. Waters never recalled that she has a twin nor her parents told her about having a sister. Taking that into account, what you're seeing is her doppelgänger," briefly exclaimed the Chief. "This finding makes the case more interesting. Team Leader, designate your team. I want this case to be resolve ASAP. Check the Waters' house, phone records, SUV black box, family records of Emily Waters. Verify any movement of life prior to their disappearance. I want it all covered!", commanded the Chief.

"Doppelgänger???? I thought it only existed in paranormal tv series! What the hell is going on here?," moaned Team Leader Strong in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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