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And all Sidney had done was opening all the packed up steaks to put them in a plate and get outside to the grill.

Just as she was done with the last one, Letty arrived right beside her and smiled at the Woman. Placing a hand on her shoulder that made Sidney look up to her. "I'm proud of you. Have I ever told you that?"

Sidney slowly smiled and shrugged. "Maybe, I don't know."

Letty scoffed and shook her head in thought. "I don't think so."

The two chuckled as they grabbed the plates and made their way out the house and down the steps.

Remsey and all the other three men were right beside the steps doing whatever they were doing.

Dom and little B have arrived as the little boy was running to the others that were having eyes on the IPad until Remsey quickly pulled him over and bought him to Letty that went for a hug. "You drift in yet." Letty said, smiling to her son as she kissed his head.

"I am, you should have seen us. It was so cool mom!" Little B said making Letty drift off smiling at that while he went to hug Sidney. "Aunt Ney!"

Sidney laughed happily at his presence and wrapped an arm around him. "Hey little B! Know how to get them skills?"

Little B pulled away and nodded. "I mean yeah but still I'm in the mood to do it." Sidney slowly shook her head with that smile on her face.

"You're gonna be just like your father." She ruffled his hair and walked to the table to set her plate of steaks on it.

Then, a short person hugged her making her look down to see Miles with all his jumpy curly hairs covering him from Sidney's view.

"Hey Baby. You good?" She rubbed his back but he just silently shook his head. Sidney frowned at that as she looked up to the boys, already catching Tej watching them with a face where she would immediately get the situation. Sidney looked down to him. "Is it daddy?"

He nodded in response as Sidney sighed.

Miles was a quiet person. He did talk but he liked to be quiet most of the time. Sidney didn't know what her son was bonding by that action with. But Miles, indeed, was sometimes a fun guy. He would hide most of the time and do some stupid secret things that would make Sidney laugh and Tej would just be nerve-cracking.

"Let me go talk to him while you sit at the dinning table, alright?" She kissed his head and gently pushed him over as he ran off.

Sidney began making her way to the boys that suddenly started to get even more nervous by seeing her.

Narrowing her eyes slightly, she studied every one of them. Of course Tej and Roman were always involved with it but Han was beginning to be part of their jokes.

Standing in front of them, she couldn't bear the silence the three were giving her so she just stared at Tej that pursed his lips.

Still settling silent, she began. "Anything you have to tell me?"

Tej and Roman shifted around as they looked at each other while Han just stood there, watching.

Furious ✔︎ 𝙏𝙀𝙅 𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙆𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now