Chaper 1

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Endless love- chapter 1

My hair blowing in front of my face blinding me as I sprint to Liam. A warm mix of blood and tears stream down my ice-cold face. Just as I reach his body I look down at my stomach in agony, my vision blurs as I painfully pull the knife from my blood-stained body. I stumble, trip and fall to the ground, slowly losing consciousness as I think about how I wish I could start my life again.
"Ash! Ash! ASHLEIGH!!!" My brother shouts and pretty much smashes down the door. "Get up!" "Just 5 more minutes," I murmur. "No now!" I turn over, annoyed that he woke me up and sigh "who are you, my mum?" I have grown as Mitch walks out. "Okay, I'm sorry Mitch" I shouldn't have said that Mitch is very sensitive and ever since our dad died last year and mum had gone mad. She won't talk to us, to doctors or anyone. She just sits there motionless staring blankly. "Mitch!" I shouted. "I'm sorry" I walked out of my room and the house was silent. "MITCH!!!" I yell. He walks up behind me and tickles me. I giggle "Mitch stop" he hands me my school stuff and says, "that got you out of bed, now get ready for school you'll be late" I groan! I hate school, I hate people, okay certain people. I try to get out of going to school, I'm just not 'popular' should I say. Most of the girls in school hate me, they verbally sometimes physically abuse me and I go home feeling worthless. It felt like a routine! I have to though there's no way getting out of it with Mitch here. I have never spoken to Mitch about the situation at school, I come up with fake happy stories to make him smile. It would kill him if he knew and he's gone through too much already. I start to get ready, I pull up my black pleated skirt over my thick black tights, tuck my ivory white blouse in, do up my navy blue and pink striped tie and slip my feet into my pumps. I stare in the mirror at myself as I tie up my thick, long, brown hair in a messy bun, the only thing I can think of is how ugly I look. I'm 5"3, I have a small curvy frame and muscular legs. I consider myself to be an active person I love cross country running and playing football, I've tried all kinds of diets but I just hate my body, I wish I was as skinny as runway models. I don't bother putting on much make-up, I only moisturise my face and place a light coat of mascara on my eyelashes. I walk downstairs say goodbye to Mitch and try to say bye to mum, although it likes talking to a wall. I miss her, she had a beautiful smile. I pick my backpack up and sling it on my back, walking out the door.
When I get to school I realise I'm late again, the corridors empty and silent. I miss registration and go straight to maths. As I'm walking to my classroom, I felt a hand grab my hair and pull it down, I lose footing and fall to the ground. It was Connor, he pulled me back up by my hair and pinned me to the wall, both hands on my neck. I could barely breathe! "I said meet me at gates before school!" He said angrily "I'm sorry baby, I was late" he harshly slapped the left side of my face, my cheek burning. He pushed me to the floor and kicked me. Winded, I tried to catch my breath the discomfort shot through my whole body "Sorry doesn't cut it be on time tomorrow or else" "Oi!" A random boy shouted from a distance. Connor boldly walked over to him and said "you got a problem?" The boy took a step towards him, face red with anger. "Yeah, you bet I have, why are you hitting a girl? Do you think you hard or something?" The boy replied. Taken back, Connor looked at me and mumbled, "babe tell him." A tear rolled down my face, "he's my boyfriend, I started it all" I started stuttering. "I don't care," the boy explained, taking a step advancing toward Connor. "I have to go see you around, boy," Conner spat. The boy approached me, he is tall with a large muscular frame, dark brown combed over hair with deep green eyes and fair skin. "Hey, I'm Bailey, are you okay?" He said sweetly. "Yeah, I'm fine" I shyly replied, trying to keep my head down to hide my face. After a moment he offered me a hand and helped me up. I gave him a small smile and I grabbed a mirror out of my bag. I wipe the black from underneath my eyes. "Don't worry you still look beautiful, what's your name?" Bailey let out with a smile. "Thank you and my names Ashleigh," I say. "Ashleigh grey?" He questioned, "yes, how did you know?" I answered shocked. "I'm friends with your brother Mitch he told me to keep an eye out for you". Mitch is going to find out about all of this, no he can't know anything, ahh what should I do? "ohh" I say, stuck for words. "Why ain't you two I lessons" a voice bellows from the end of the corridor. "Unless you want detention, Run!" Bailey shouts. I barge into class, in the hope I got here fast enough that the teacher couldn't catch a glimpse of what room I was in. Everyone in the whole room sat gawking at me, I awkwardly pace to my seat. As the somewhat silent room erupted into laughter. I was mortified. I looked down at the table avoiding all eye contact trying to ignore the snide comments from the girls at the back of the room. "Ashleigh, see me after class and you'll have detention with me after school for being late" Mrs David exclaimed. I nodded at her as she swiftly moved on to the topic of the lesson, algebra. This is probably my most hated topic in maths and it bored me to death. I wake up to the sound of my maths teacher shouting my name "ASHLEIGH" she bellowed. I instantly looked up and at my work and realised I'm in so much trouble. "She hasn't even noticed" I heard a muffled comment, that's when I felt a small tug on my hair, I reached behind and pulled out a pen from my hair. I could hear everybody snickering I couldn't believe pens were being put in my hair when I was asleep I remove another glaring backwards, Claressa stares at me with dirty looks and turns to jack who was smirking, there talking about me as if I'm a piece of crap. Well, I am! Jack looks back and shouts across the classroom "I suppose you think your cool now then" I carry on looking at my work "literally no one likes her" Melissa added. The whole class is laughing at me. I carry on staring down at the table my eyes watering. No! Keep it in I said to myself. All I can hear is laughing and sly comments "weird", "ugly", "fat", "disgusting". They carry on, they always do, this isn't uncommon. I barely share any classes with my friends so I'm used to this.
I kept my head low all day avoiding Connor. After detention I walked to the front gates to meet my friends, dreading bumping into Conner. I catch sight of Lottie, Rochelle and Cloe standing outside the gates. "Hey girl, where were you?" Lottie asked concerned as she wrapped her arms around me. "Detention with Mrs David" I explained. We were talking about what to do this weekend, it was Friday, thankfully. "where's phoebe" I say impatiently. "Geography," Cloe says with a sigh. Bailey walks up to me from behind "hey, are you okay" he asks "yeah, I'm fine" I answer abruptly and look down at the grass beneath me I'm grateful for him helping me earlier but at the same time he knows too much already and he's going to tell Mitch. Bailey wraps his arms around my waist and whispers "okay, now tell me the truth" before I could say anything Connor rips bailey off me, kicks him and starts punching him in the face. I don't even know what happened myself, I felt a rush of anger when I saw blood cover baileys face. I grabbed Connor around the neck from behind and threw him to the ground. What just happened? I thought to myself. Why did I do that? I didn't even know I had the strength to do that. Connor got up and walked over to me, I backed away not knowing what to do, I went running but he pulled my hair back and made me face him. I heard Cleo and Lottie scream as Connor got hold of my head and smashed it on his knee. Blood was coming out of my nose. I was so shocked I just sat on the floor. I couldn't get up I've never felt so much pain in my life. I guarded my face as Connor went to kick it. Out of nowhere, Bailey punched him straight on the right side of his nose. Connor fell to the ground and then he said: "she doesn't want anything to do with you to leave her alone or there'll be trouble." "I'm not scared of you" he cried. "Well, you should be because if you touch her again you'll be in the hospital." The girls ran to my aid, screaming abuse at Conner as he walked away defeated.
Bailey walked me home and told Mitch about Connor and what happened. I wish he didn't but it was too late now. Mitch gave me the look that says I'll talk to you in a minute, but whispered "get yourself cleaned up." How did he know bailey? Bailey is my year and Mitch has left school... I look in the mirror dried blood covered my nose and mouth. I run a tissue under warm water and start to carefully wipe away the blood. Mitch stumbles in the doorway I couldn't help but laugh. I soon shut up when I saw the serious expression on his face. "Why?" He hissed. "I was scared of him, I'm sorry. I looked down at my hands and sighed, he needs an explanation. "He wasn't always like this, he was nice, took care of me and showed me affection" I paused "then he changed, it was small things at first, controlling and possessive, then he kept on hitting me if I didn't do every exact thing he said. I wanted to leave my I couldn't, he wouldn't let me leave him." I burst into tears "I'm sorry, I'm just a screw up" Mitch hugged me "calm down ash, it's okay, your not a screw-up. Don't ever say that again." I sniff "okay." "I just wish you would have told me I would have sorted him out for you" he stated. "But he would still come up to me in school when you not there" I countered. "I'd make sure he wouldn't be able to" for some reason what he said reminded me of what Bailey said earlier. "I'll talk to you later I'm going out in a little while, will you be okay?" he asked  "I will be" I smiled "There's spaghetti in the pot, your favourite" Mitch chuckled. "Mmm thank you"  I lunged at him with my arms open. Mitch put me down and kissed my head. "Behave" I yelled as he left, I giggled.
sorry guys for not updating in forever but from now on I'm going to try my best to~~ love you guys xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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