CHAPTER 1 - Picking Up The Pieces

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As Randy sat down at the dinner table, he glanced around at his children. Stan, Shelley, and Jason. Although he stared at them with admiration, a small pit in his stomach only grew larger with time.
Trina sat at the other end of the table, eating the food she made with care slowly. Randy let out a slow sigh.
"What's wrong, pookie bear puddle butt?" Trina asked with a turn of the head.
"It's nothing." Randy mumbled as he took a juicy bite out of his chicken nugget. He averted his eyes over to the landline phone that they still have for some reason. As if he was expecting a call of some sort.
"What're you looking at????-??/!-&:" Shelly questioned with much furiousity. Randy flinched back with the sudden questioning.
"It's. Nothing." Randy simply repeated himself, stopping himself from continuing on by sipping a large Hi-C Orange.
Suddenly, the phone rang.
"I'll get it!-" Trina went to say, before Randy loudly scooted out away from the table, and paced over to the phone. Trina signed, and sat back down.
It's been like this for years now. Ever since they were married, Randy's always been really protective over phone calls. Trina never really called attention to it in any way, but it's been bothering her recently. He's fought with her to get to the phone before her. It just seems useless to argue with him over it. She listened in on his call momentarily.
Randy was twirling the wire of his landline phone and whispering into the phone.
"Dude, you staaawp.." Randy whispered zestily. A mumbled voice came from the other side of the phone for a moment before Randy's zesty giggle covered up his words.
"I can't today, I'm with my family." He cupped his hand to the speaking end of the phone, looking around as he spoke as if he wasn't in the most open room of the house. More mumbled words came from the other side of the phone.
"I don't think I can today-"
"Ok, fine, give me 30 minutes." Randy sighed. He put the phone back on the wall and slipped his coat on. Trina stormed into the living room, arms crossed.
"Where do you think you're going?" Trina questioned, an angry tone to her voice.
"McDonald's?" Randy shrugged as he put his hand on the doorknob. Trina inhaled to speak, but was cut off.
"I'm just gonna get another happy meal for the kids. Calm down." Randy raised one of his hands in a defensive way, as he turned the knob to open the door. Trina yet again went to say something, but was cut off again.
"BYE!" Randy slammed the door behind him as he left. Trina sighed.
"Dude, dads a dick." Shelly said.

As Randy pulled up to McDonald's, he checked his NOT landline phone to see 3 texts. He ignored them.
He stepped out of his parked car, and looked around for a moment.
Then he spotted who he was looking for.
"HEY, ER-UH.. RANDY.. You here for, uh, my TLC? And by TLC, I mean, uh, tender long COCK!" JFK laughed his ass off as he said that.
".. One last time." Randy mumbled.
"Great! Do you, er, uh, Wanna come back to my place? My gay dads died. Or should we, uh, do it in the car?" JFK put a finger to his masculine chin, a stupid grin on his face.
"Any place works. Just let me get a happy meal for my kids first." Randy kicked at the ground.
"Oh, you'-er, uh, still talking to your kids? I thought you left them for me! And the package I brought you! And by package I mean.. COCK." JFK laughed again.
"Yeah. I cant just leave my wife, that'd be traumatizing for the kids." Randy nodded as he spoke, walking with JFK into the McDonald's.
"Oh, I'd know. My uh, gay dads, are uh, dead." JFK frowned scornfully.
"Oh. Well that's different."
"Either way, get your happy meal so I can, er , give you MY happy meal! And by happy meal, I mean my JUNK! Haha!!" JFK laughed again.
"Well.. ok, JFK."

But that pit in Randy's stomach didn't fade.
It just got deeper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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