First impressions

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(Apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes I might've missed while writing. Enjoy!)

I climbed out of the armored military truck that had brought me to my new base, a large bag on my back and a camo duffle bag slumped over my shoulder; my warm breath escaping my lips as a cloud of mist as I exhaled, walking straight towards my bunk to unpack my belongings and change into more comfortable clothing.

I had been in that truck since 6 a.m., so it was an amazing feeling to finally get out and stretch my legs after hours of sitting quietly with the other soldiers who had to transport me.

As I made my trek towards the bunks, my eyes gazed across the world surrounding me, watching as the other soldiers trained together and sparred to prepare for any missions that came their way. My eyes landed on a large-built man with a hood covering his face and some sort of orange markings under his eyes.

I continued to scan over each soldier that stood together, watching as they took turns taking each other down, then giving their sparring partner a hand up from the damp grass, mud staining their clothing and skin. My eyes gazed toward the larger man again who seemed like a giant compared to the other soldiers to find that he was staring blankly back at me through his mask.

My eyes shot back to the ground in front of me, quickening my pace towards my bunk to avoid any unwanted confrontation.

Once I got to my assigned bunk, I set my bags down and unzipped my tactical vest, resting it on the foot of my bed. I quickly unpacked my belongings and put them in their correct places, before kicking both bags under my bed and getting changed into something comfortable that consisted of a pair of warm black sweatpants, and a baggy maroon t-shirt.

For the rest of the day, I laid quietly on the rock-solid mattress, scrolling through videos and photos on my phone, my mind wandering back to earlier on the field. How long was I staring at that soldier before he noticed? Am I going to be in the same troop as him? Will I be forced to spar with him when I begin my training?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and hooked my phone up to its charger before switching on a soothing white noise track to help me fall asleep in my new environment.

The morning soon arrived and I was awoken by the loud ringing of my alarm at 5:30 a.m. sharp. I grumbled and sloppily reached over to turn off the blaring sound, rubbing my eyes, before dragging myself out of bed to get ready for my first day.

I performed my daily routine of having a warm shower, washing my face thoroughly, then tying my hair into a tight bun before sliding on my uniform, vest and tying my boots tightly. "You can do this Y/N... Just get through the first day without pissing anyone off..." I took a deep breath before stepping outside, feeling the icy breeze hit my face as I ventured toward the cafeteria, following a group of soldiers to avoid getting lost.

I walked quietly into the cafeteria, my eyes shifting across the rows of tables that were full of soldiers eating and chattering amongst themselves. I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of chocolate milk, scanning around the room for any free tables. Unfortunately, none were available, so I decided to lean against the cold brick wall of the cafeteria, taking a mouthful of the lukewarm oatmeal that sat in my bowl.

As my eyes continued to search for any place to sit, I spotted a man waving his arm towards me, inviting me to sit with him and his colleagues. I hesitantly walked towards him and set both my bowl and cup on the cold metal bench in front of me, sheepishly nodding my head to thank him. "Thanks, I didn't think I was gonna end up finding somewhere to sit."

The man chuckled and held out his hand to me, a bright and welcoming smile covering his face. "No worries, the name's Soap, I'm guessing you're the new recruit Price was talking to us about."

I took his hand, startled by his strong grip and overly friendly handshake; he kinda reminded me of a golden retriever meeting a new person. "Uh, yeah, my name's Y/N. It's nice to meet you..."

I shook his hand firmly before pulling away and sitting down on the cold metal bench beneath me, taking a small bite from my flavourless oatmeal.

Soap began to introduce each of his friends that sat with us, a couple of them only greeting me with a glance or a grumble.

"This big guy over here is Ghost, he's a real teddy bear under all that angst and his creepy mask." Ghost only replied to that comment with a grunt, nodding his head towards me.

Soap continued to introduce each person at the table, my eyes widening as I spotted that same ominous man from yesterday at the end of the table. His piercing blue eyes were glued to mine and not a single word was spoken as he stared at me with his furrowed brows.

Has he been staring at me since I sat down? Why does he look so angry with me..?

"Don't let Konig intimidate you, he's super friendly once he warms up to you." Soap smiled and patted me on the back before returning to the mushy food on his tray, making the occasional small talk with me and his friends.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful; I ran some laps and did some basic combat training with Soap which left me exhausted by the end. I finished my dinner quickly and walked straight back to my bunk, relieved that I'd soon be able to get the rest I'd been hoping for.

As I reached the door to my room, the blissful silence of the night was interrupted by a loud snap from a nearby stick. I swiftly whipped my head around to spot Konig watching me from a distance. His head was just peaking out from the side of a neighbouring cabin.


I stared at his silhouette for a few more seconds before entering my room, locking the door behind me, and shutting my blinds, now paranoid as to why he was just staring at me like that... Did he follow me from the dining hall?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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