'Fun times' with Adrien

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June 5th, 2023

      "Isla Allumann! Come downstairs this instant, young lady!" Ah yes, the first thing Nero wanted to hear when they woke up. Their dear 'father', Adrien, screaming Nero's dead name and misgendering them in the morning.

Wondering what they did this time, Nero slowly got out of their bed and walked—more like fell— downstairs and into the kitchen where Nero's 'father' was angrily standing. "Alright, what did i do this time?" Nero tiredly asked Adrien. Funny how Nero didn't even think of Adrien as a father anymore.

"Me and your mother spoil you every single day and this is how you repay us!?!?" Adrien practically screamed at Nero. This went on for another five or so minutes. Funnily enough, this happened about every two days if not every day. It's become a sort of routine for Nero, if you will.

Oh my god just tell me what i did this time Adrien.' Nero whispered. "Did you just talk back to me Isla?" Adrien suddenly said. Shit, he heard that. WELP! I guess im gunna die again today.

"First, you don't do the dishes," Oh shit so that's what I forgot to do. "Then you talk back? Go to your fucking room Isla Allumann."

    So with that Nero dragged itself up to they're room, surprised it wasn't hit or made to flinch this time. Guess I escaped unscathed Nero thought as it headed upstairs.


A/N: Hello to the probably two people who are reading this! Writing had become one of my new coping techniques so this is what you get. Instead of venting and ranting to people I know, the lovely people on the internet that I'll most likely never meet get to read about it.
I probably won't be a very frequent uploader with this because of my lack of motivation and being moved to a harder school.
But back to the reason I'm writing this a/n! Like I said, as a coping mechanism and being in need to vent to something.
Here's some extra info incase anyone is still confused.
-Nero's pronouns are they/it, sometimes they/it/he
-This book is basically just about me and some parts of my life
-Adrien/my father (not his actual name) is very obviously Homophobic and Transphobic

There is going to be another A/N with more info later on just to let you all know :3

<<Another Edit>>
Sooo I just realized this was never posted before, so here- 😅

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