TPOTR 2: Get In The Van 2

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(Episode starts with the members of Team8's chatting with each other)

Gaty: "I'm sorry for messing up our chance to win."

Needle: "It's alright, sometimes we make mistakes, but we always learn from them and later make improvements!"

Saw: "That's a grEIGHT point, Needle!"

Pin: "I agree with Needle, we always make improvements from our mistakes!"

Two: "Indeed we do, but you suffered from a tragic mistake, which is losing!"

Coiny: "Yes, we know. We lost."

Two: "Anyways, it's now time to start Cake at stake!"

Cake at Stake theme plays

Two: "Here are the votes. First safe is  Coiny with 8208 votes, Gaty got 5440 votes, Needle got 3907 votes, Pin gets 2548 votes, Saw gets 1782 votes, now it's down to Donut and Barf Bag, and... Barf Bag is safe with 1070 votes, and Donut is eliminated with 653 votes."

Donut: "Oh my bakery!? I'm out? That was unexpected!"

Two: "Well, Donut, time to go!"

Two makes Donut disappear.

Two: "Your next challenge is to get to the bottom of golf ball's underground factory, the last team to do so will be up for elimination!"

Cloudy: "Alright team! What should or plan be?"

Yellow Face: "Have you ever needed to get somewhere really fast!? Well buy our van! It travels at the speed of light! Anyways, BUY NOW!"

*Winner pulls the van out of the ad*

Winner: "Get in, team!"

Meanwhile, on team AreYouOkay...

Puffball: "Guys! Get on! We can just fly down!"

Golf Ball: "Great idea! Puffball!"

They all hop on to PB, as she starts flying downwards.

Back on The 'S! They started going down too, and were the first down to the bottom of GB's underground factory.

Two: "Well done The 'S! You are the first safe! Oh! And second safe is Are You Okay!" Two said as Are You Okay floated down on top of Puffball.

The Strongest Team On Earth seen what Are You Okay was doing and then, Basketball came up with an idea!

Basketball: "Hey! I just got an idea! We could just get onto Bell's string and she can fly down!"

Bell: "Great idea! Get on guys!"

They got onto Bell's string and started going down.

Two: "The Strongest Team on Earth! You are third safe! Three teams left! Who will be safe and who will not?"just barley

Team8's just jumped down,

Meanwhile, Pillow carried Just Not! down and Black Hole used his gravity to pull Death P.A.C.T Again down.

They were all going down at the same pace.
It was a close battle.
But in the end......
Team8's and Just Not! hit the ground right before Death P.A.C.T Again.

Two: "And that's it! Death PACT Again just barely lose and are up for elimination!"

Marker: "NOOOOOOO!"

(Switches over to the voting screen thing)

Two: "yeah uhh just vote who you want to save."

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