Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Quick update. Story is the same but I'm changing names and how everything begins but the plot is still the same! This is the first chapter to the "New" story! Hope you all enjoy!!

Update: I hate myself for writing this because it's so ugly. lmao I am going to try and rewrite my rewrite!!!!!!


I don't think some people understand how difficult it is to like someone so much but know that there is no way that they would ever like you back. Like me for instance, I'm in love with a boy who doesn't know I exist, maybe he never will. Cliche isn't it? A girl who is in love with a boy who is clueless. The funny thing is that he does know I exist, albeit not in the way I wish he would. Clark Hayes. That's his name, if you were wondering. The boy I have been in love with since elementary school and the boy who has been clueless since elementary school.

And he probably always will be.

His on-again/off-again girlfriend, Lulu Nash might be the reason no one else, ahem me, would ever have a shot with him. Every girl at my school loves him and sadly I am a part of that cliche. He's the quarterback, he's insanely attractive, super hot, and so-damn charming. Who wouldn't be in love with him? The only reason I know he's charming is because we have Calculus together. Don't ask me why I am in that god-awful class, I suck at math, but he's just so good at everything. Do I sound like a drooling puppy yet?

I don't know why I do this to myself. I honestly don't. Like right now. I shouldn't be sitting here staring at him sucking face with Lulu, but I am. I feel like a pervert just staring but I so wish it was me in Lulu's place. I can hear my best friends Alastair and Lana talking to each other in the background, but I haven't paid attention to a single thing they have said this entire time. Alastair is our school's all-star, soccer player. Apparently he is so good he could go pro. Lana is a super talented cheerleader and dancer. They've both been doing their thing since kindergarten, as long as we have been best friends.

"What do you think Harper?"

I snap out of my trance and re-focus, shaking my head in the process. "What?" I question.

Lana turns around and looks behind her as Alastair stares ahead. They both shake their head. "Oh my goodness!" they groan at the same time.

I gave them a confused look, "What?" I ask, pretending I don't know why they are groaning. "What are you groaning about?" I ask.

Lana looks at me with an incredulous look on her face, obviously not believing my obliviousness.

"Harper, you know how he and Lulu are. Stop torturing yourself," she tells me.

"I know I know. I'm trying. Look, I'm over him. All I'm doing is admiring that wonderful physique of his. He's really nice to look at, is all," I say humorously and give her a wink, not believing a word I just said.

I glance up to see that Alastair is giving me a funny look.

"Ally stop looking at me like that, I swear I am over him. I was just looking around and he happened to be in the way!"

"Sure, and we believe you" comments Alastair.

"Fine! Don't believe me, see if I care. So what were you asking me about Lan?"

"I asked if you wanted to go to the movies with us tonight? It's $6 Tuesday!" Lana answered.

"I don't think I will be able to tonight. I have so much homework for AP. I'll try to get as much done as I can during study hall but I doubt it. I'll keep you updated." Just as I finished talking the bell that signals the end of lunch rang and everyone started picking up their trays, throwing things away, and walk back to their classes, including the three of us. I took one last look back at where Clark and Lulu were sucking face and I saw him standing there with an angry look on his face, talking on the phone. He looked up and our eyes met and his face relaxed but I quickly looked away, embarrassed that he caught me staring.

When I turned back, I realized that I had fallen a little behind Lana and Alastair. Obviously they didn't notice I was gone because when I caught back up to them, Lana was saying something to Alastair about their plans for tonight, "Maybe we should get dinner before the movie, what do you think?" she said looking up to him. He stood at a whopping 6'4" to her 5'4" so she had to stretch. I waited for his response, looking up to him only a little because of my 5'9" height. This was weird though. We go out all the time, either three of us or two of us, but this seemed different. Lana seemed... dare I say it, nervous? She was never nervous with anything or any one!

What was going on?

Oh my god. She likes him. Wait, she likes him? Am I reading into this too much? Why am I so dramatic? I opened my mouth to say something, to ask Lana if we could talk but they both started walking away and as they were walking I heard Alastair say, "Fuck yeah! I'll be starving after practice."

I just stood there shocked because my bestfriend likes my other best friend. But it was a good shock. An exciting shock. I might be wrong but there is no way that Lana would act like that in front of Ally if she didn't like him. I know my best friend that much. I might be a dramatic little freak but I could not be wrong about this. I attempted to walk to my next class before the late bell rung, thinking about Lana and Alastair, when I tripped and fell face first into the grass.

I just tripped over nothing, why am I like this? I looked up, checking to see if anyone saw.

No. No no no no no. How could I embarrass myself any further? Oh right, of course. Trip right in front of Clark Hayes. Ha. Haha. Life you are so cruel! Of all the boys in the world. At least there wasn't anyone else around to see it. I put my head down, pretending like I didn't see him and he didn't see me, but luck would have it that he saw everything because when I look back up, his hand is stretched out for my own.

"Harper, holy shit, are you okay?"

I didn't move for a good 10 seconds from shock but when I did come back around, I took his hand, not believing it was actually happening. "Haha, yeah I'm okay, just my typical clumsiness," I look at him as I get up. While I am trying to regain my composure, he bends down to pick up the few papers that fell out of my bag. "You don't have to do th-," I say as he gets back up and hands me my papers. "Thank you."

"Of course Harper. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you so much for helping me. See you in Calc!" I say, walking away super fast, trying to calm down and save myself from further embarrassment as the late bell rings. "Great!" I shout. I head to the bathroom instead of going to AP Literature because I was already late to class. Might as well be super late. 

As I walk in, I head to the mirror and stare back at my reflection, a tall and slender 18-year old. Dark-brown hair, hazel eyes, a sprinkle of freckles across my olive cheeks. Full pouty pink lips and a small and slender nose. I'm not ugly, I play soccer, albeit not as good as Al, I volunteer, I'm well-known by my classmates and teachers, I'm smart and positive, I'm a good person, right? So why do I feel so inadequate when I think about Clark. I don't like feeling like this, I am never insecure about myself so why right now? Why am I feeling so weird? I hate the fact that I am doubting myself and who I am because of a boy, I am better than that. See? I told you I am a freak. Honestly this is not who I am and not who I like to be - I am a strong independent woman. Why do I obsess about a random dude? 

"Stop," I say to myself. I shake my head, re-gather my things and walk out of the bathroom and head to class trying to forget about what just happened, thoughts of Lana and Alastair leaving my mind. 


Thanks for reading! Once again I am starting to write but I am changing the way I am writing. I am trying to make the chapters longer and more fluid. Don't give up on me! I am out of school for about a month before I go back to college so bear with me until then! Love you guys!  

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