Teen romance~

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Hey its the writer,I wanna say,that there is so much things that could trigger you,and me too lol. So I'd u still wann read the story then go ahead!!<33

Hello,this is some Trigger warnings ,that will be in the story!!!
-eating disorder (just mention it)
-suicide attempts and thoughts


It's about 2 teenagers who fell in love w each other....but one of the teens are mentally ill,and the another is their light. But this is what they thinked.
    The light for his dark time was named Han Jisung,and the his dark was Lee Minho.
    They meet each other at park,they became friends,best friends then lovers. They where the best teen couples. They where like moon to sun,or the light in the dark,the stars for the dark sky. They where perfect for each other. They was soul mates.
   Why "where" ? Lemme explain for you.

The boy named Lee Minho,he had depression,Ed,suicide thoughts and more. But he never had friends, who actually cared for him or someone who he could be happy with.
But he meet Han Jisung,first he didn't wanted to be his friend ,he didn't trusted ppl easily, but somewhat he trusted him,only him.
They became friends,after some time best friends. But,Jisung  started to feel something for the boy. That's why he avoided him,and ignored him. He knew this wasn't the best,but he didn't wanted to lose the boy he loved . He almost did..
If he didn't texted him,when he was drunk,then he and Minho wouldn't be best friends or friends.

Lee fucking Minho,if u knew how nuch I love you,oh if u knew.
I'm so in love with you,you're perfect,beautiful,angelic,handsome,sweet ... You mean the world for me,not just the world, the universe<3
I'm so sorry because I avoided you,ignored you...but u wanted to get rid of this feeling. I'm so scared,what if I loose you Lee Minho? My beautiful best friend,my love..... I'm in shock,I'm drunk as fuck,but I can write normally?! What the fuck.
I love you,Minho. I fucking love you,I'm in love. And don't leave me.. Please....
Sent 2:45am


                    Oh my God,Jiji.....I can't even.     speak... I- Oh lord,babe it's okay,but you know how hard it was for me? When you avoided me? Or ignored me? I was so FUCKING scared...I thought I did something wrong, and you gonna leave me..like my mom and dad did....Please don't do this again my love .
Han Jisung,I like you...no I love you since we meet. I fucking love you,I can't explain but I feel like I meet my soul mate when I become friends w you. I'm so thankful love ,for  being w me,making me happy,making me fell in love harder each day. You are stunning,I Love you voice,your cheeks,I love your soft pink lips,I love your beautiful hair,your tiny little hands. I'm in love with you Han Jisung. And my love I'm not thinking about leaving you. Why would I leave my soul mate? My love,my man?
Love you,more than my cats...nah I love them more :((

You're so cute omg,like how? I don't deserve you. You deserve much better Minho:( I love you so much :<

Lee Minho,would you be my Boyfriend?...

                               Awww,my babbbyyyyy:<<<
                                        I do deserve you<33
                                    And you're cuter!!!!:<
                   And Yes! I would love,to be your
                                         boyfriend baby <33

      And then they where officially boyfriends. They made so much memories. Until....


Minho had an another depressive episode,and he took too much Xan, and he thought "I hope you understand...". He wrote a letter for his beloved love. Next day,he..he found him death,and a letter... He,he blamed himself,he thought that it was his fault. He didn't saw that his boyfriend was struggling.

After months he still blamed himself, for not noticing Min's sadness,and his episode.t That killed him inside. He was crying all day,and night too.. he couldn't stop thinking about, how he could save Min. He didn't opened the letter. He was too scared,what if Min Blamed him? Or even worse.


He got even worse,he started harming himself,and telling that he deserved.
After 1 year,he still thought it was his fault,his sh got even worse,he had so much attempt,but he never died.

Han,attempted again,and he felt that its gonna work. He was scared,what if he dies before knowing that what his love wrote for him. He grabbed the letter,and opened it. And he started to read it..

" Dear Jiji
I know,that one thing. If you're reading this,then I'm dead, and I'm sure about this. And I'm so sorry because I left you,I am. But y'know life get hard,and I couldn't do it anymore. And before I start my speech for you,I wanna say it's NOT your fault,babe. It's NOT. I know what you're thinking "Yes ,it is my fault" NO,you need to accept that it's not your fault. And it never be,okay?
I love you so much,I really do. I even imagined our wedding... Yeah I was being delulu,but I couldn't help,I was in love with you so madly. Oh and I don't forget that,I thought having kids with you too.. Yes I'm definitely being super delulu rn. But it wasn't helped me. I knew I didn't wanted to leave you,or the plans I made with you. But I know I wanted to leave the pain what I had. I thought having 2 kids,named Lee Jaehan and Lee Yechan. Isn't it cute?

And then,Jisung was smiling so hard. When he read the names,it was cute -he thinked. And his vision started to blurry. And he started to read the letter faster,before he could meet his angelic boyfriend again..

"Just know Hannie,I will be right by your side. I will protect you,from haven.. Aw man if I could hug you once,or kiss you before I die it would be so good. But I know I will. Because I know we will meet in another life Han Jisung. I love you so much! I'm so thankful for those happy,silly memories I made with you. Your cuddles are the best.  I love you silly little dance when u eat cheesecake. I love your tiny little dance when you're trying to make me happy. I wanna say that once again: I will always love you,and just only you.

               -Your beloved: Minho"

And He felt asleep,forever... He slept peacefully, whit a smile on. He knew he's gonna meet his boy,his little beautiful boy Lee Minho.

And this is their story.

Hii guys!!!! It's me yo mama Haruuu. Yeah it's definitely a sad story!! And I just got the idea of a minsung video... yeah it's kinda dumb but,somewhat I love it ig.

I'm so sorry if there is anything wrong. English isn't my first language... So feel free to correct me!!

And...how can I say it,the idea it's from the video,but also from my feelings that I feel. I mean I didn't lose someone by suicide..But I feel like my friends would feel like this,if I commit suicide.
So this makes me feel ,bad about ending it all.

It's a little bit dramatic that part "MY friends would feel like this". Yeah haru you're so stupid,they would never LMAO
Anyway that sounded pick me , but it's just my thought lol.

And I wanna say to people who struggle,w these:
I know it's hard,but u gotta be strong. Sometimes it's hard but it's gonna be okay. Ik people always say this,and I know that if it's not gonna be okay now,then it's gonna be okay in the future!! We are here for you!<3

Btw feel free to text me,I'm not a good comforter,but I think getting out of you the things that eat you alive,it's better,than dying inside..<3

Have a nice morning/day/night~🪻🫶🏻

Yo mama-Haruu=)

Teen romance-Minsung{one-shot}Where stories live. Discover now