Prologue: Love's Lunar Lure

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TYRO ALPHA DOLTON CRANE was born in 1887 during the August Lunar Eclipse. His parents, Corporal Omega Auden Crane and Countess Claire Crane, had been married for forty years and had given up hope of having pups. The arrival of Dolton came as a surprise, yet the result of patience and faith.

In the first five years of Dolton's life, his parents showered him with love and compassion as well as embraced a life of peace and security. When he misbehaved, they reprimanded him but always followed it with a hug to show their relief that he was unharmed. Whether he brought home a dead bunny or got into a scuffle, they balanced discipline with affection. The family of three enjoyed the mirth and adventures that Dolton brought to their humble home in the forest. Their peaceful existence changed when the Council of Lupine Factions arrived.

The council comprised twelve appointed members, a mix of elected lupine representatives and randomly chosen supernaturals. The lupine community required the presence of four Betas and three high-ranking Alphas, although not all regions were mandated to be represented. The remaining five members were drafted females that hailed from different supernatural factions, including vampires, faeries, seers, and witches.

In this moment of his history, Dolton's path crossed with three council members: Reynold, the former Alpha of the North Eastern Region; Ivy, the mate of the former South Regional Alpha; and Emerald, a recruit from the Central Region. Their purpose was to assess resources and territory for potential redistribution to address the overpopulation of a lupine pack.

As Dolton pursued his hunt, clumsily attempting to capture a deer, the council members stumbled upon him. Intrigued by his resilience and size, they engaged in a brief discussion and unanimously agreed that he possessed the qualities of an Alpha. Dolton, not threatened by their presence, eventually settled for two rabbits instead of a deer and made his way home, unbothered to the fact that he was being followed.

Upon Dolton's arrival, Auden and Claire warmly greeted him, appreciating his successful hunt. Without any formal introduction, the council members approached, knowing that Dolton's parents could sense the power and wealth they carried from miles away. They wasted no time in conveying their decision regarding Dolton's future.

"He is but five winters old," Auden exclaimed, astounded to hear that his son had been chosen for such a lofty position at such a tender age, considering he was an Omega. His eyes cast downward as he spoke, exhibiting respect despite his underlying vexation.

"His paws and build are too immense for a mere five-year-old lupine," the former South Regional Luna, Ivy, stated with a mellifluous voice. "We have made a fitting choice then, wouldn't you agree, Reynold?" She turned her gaze toward the sole male Council member present. Her intense, violet eyes fixated on the veins coursing through his thick neck.

Reynold scrutinized Dolton's lupine form, displaying intrigue, awe, and astonishment through his gaze. Utterly speechless, he simply nodded, observing as the pup paid no heed to lupine affairs but reveled in his fresh rabbit.

Ivy chuckled, redirecting her attention to Dolton. "Of course, he cannot assume the mantle of General Alpha for the North Eastern Region yet, but we expect him to undergo training and tutelage until he reaches the age of 16." She briefly glanced at Countess Claire, a warning veiled within her gaze, before fixing her focus back on the pup.

Claire flinched slightly at the frigid expression she received, sensing Ivy's doubts about her mothering skills. She sought solace by sliding her hands into Auden's firm grip. She knew he struggled to submit to high-ranking lupines, but it was even more arduous to bow before a vampire.

"We are honored," Claire murmured, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "that you have chosen our son. But we wonder if-"

"It was not I who chose your son, Countess Claire," Ivy interjected, hissing out her title. Dolton abandoned his meal and growled, baring his stained teeth. His brown eyes offered no second chances as they focused intently on the slender, pale woman. Even as she bared her fangs, he exuded a more menacing aura.

"Impressive," Reynold whispered, unexpectedly filled with pride.

Ivy extended her arm, draping it around Reynold's slender frame, using him as a shield from the threatening pup. "A wise decision, indeed," Ivy affirmed, her voice dripping with satisfaction.

Emerald, the third and taciturn Council member, spoke amidst Dolton's menacing growl.

"An announcement shall be disseminated within a fortnight. Prepare yourselves for the changes that lie ahead. He is doomed to fail without you." With those cryptic words, she withdrew into the shadows, leaving Dolton's parents bewildered, their minds reeling with questions.

As the Council members departed, Auden and Claire realized they had questions and fears. Weeks later, when the announcement of Dolton's entitlement was made, they learned that Emerald was an Augur, a divinely appointed seer with the ability to speak directly with the Gods and Goddess. This revelation left them troubled and scared for their son's future.

Claire expressed her distress to Auden, questioning how they could consider themselves honored when their son's childhood and life were being jeopardized. Auden, equally concerned, pondered possible solutions but realized they were trapped by their dependence on the Council.

"Should we flee? Seek refuge in the countryside?" Claire asked, her voice trembling with fear.

Auden, defensive at first, acknowledged the difficulty of finding acceptance elsewhere due to his status as a lupine. Claire reminded him of their promise to remain steadfast and united, no matter the challenges they faced. Reaffirming his commitment to protect their son and support Claire, Auden reassured her of his belief in their ability to overcome adversity.

"We shall not flee, my dear. We shall not seek solace in the unknown," Auden said firmly, embracing Claire tightly. "We shall face the world as a united front. We shall safeguard our son and each other. No matter the perils that lie ahead, we shall navigate them together."

Together, they embraced the notion of facing the world as a united front. Aware that the lupine realm would soon come after their son, drawn by their son's destined path like the irresistible lure of the full moon. Through it all, they would laugh and cherish their bond, knowing that the path ahead would be fraught with danger, yet they took comfort in the enduring love they shared and the steadfast security offered by the moon's irresistible allure.

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