Part I - A Superposition of States

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A five part, 3500 word short story written for the wattpad Embers of Destiny short story competition. Based on the following prompt:

"Royal Guards are on a hunt to find the assassin who tried to assassinate the Crown Prince. The person they're hunting is none other than you. But you have no idea why they're after you for a crime you never committed. What kind of twisted destiny awaits you?"

The story is very much written in my style, so if you like this short story then check out my full length novel Woodpecker:

I am lookign forward to hearing your thoughts!

#badass #royals


"Do you think you are good or bad?" asked the old man to the young child.

"I'm good grandad, at least I try to be," said the boy.

The old man chuckled and coughed, his warm breath floating the mellow scent of pipe tobacco into the boys' nostrils. "Well, you don't sound too sure young man. But that's fine, because I'll tell you that no one is one hundred percent good or bad. We are all an ever-changing mix. Maybe 90% good, 10% bad today, and 70/30 tomorrow. A superposition of different states. Do you understand what I am saying?" he asked.

The boy nodded, his eyes wide. The old man looked his grandson in the eyes to be sure he understood before continuing. "Now the key to life is to work each day to keep that good portion of you as large as possible and keep the bad small. If you let the bad become too large, it'll start to take pieces of your soul away and you can never get them back. Do you understand what I am saying?", the boy nodded once more.

"Then promise me you'll always try to make the good in yourself as big as possible."

"I promise, Grandad," said the boy.

"Good, then it's time for bed young man," said the old man.

With this lesson learned the boy went to his room. As he lay paralyzed by tiredness in his bed what his grandfather had taught him played like a tune through his mind. It was that same night that Schrodinger Hamilton decided he would dedicate his life to the police force. So, he would always keep the promise he had made to his grandfather.

And now this scene replays in his mind as he stares open mouthed watching the security camera footage for the third time. However much he squints, shifts his head, or tries to perform mental acrobatics he cannot get around nor fully comprehend what he is seeing.

A man, who is undeniably him walks to the railings and places a rucksack on the floor. He then sees himself walk briskly away. Thirty seconds later the Crown Prince on horseback appears in the right top corner of the camera's field of vision. A microsecond later the picture turns dust grey, shaking like an earthquake just hit. As light floods back the dust is replaced by debris and the sight of the Crown Prince lying half covered by his dead horse, as if he is sleeping beneath it.

He tries to think back but can't recall any part of living the reality of what he has just seen on screen. He wonders now if somehow, he has erred in keeping his promise. Had the bad taken him over 100% and stolen his memory along with his soul?

Then comes fear, confusion, and a feeling like ice cracking on his skin. He feels suddenly lost. In purgatory.

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